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What's good TOO?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Got a full night's rest last night.

Spent the day with my family.

Sold a piece of equipment an hour ago which reimburses me for the new one I had already paid for (some of it anyway).

While I was selling the equipment my buddy stopped by and dropped off some deer rear quarters already seasoned, cut up, smoked and ready for the grill! What a friend!

That is all TOO good!


Senior Member
Stayed up a little late, and did not get up until almost 3 :0 Got to watch the reds sweep those shitty cardinals...

sent from my HTC evo

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I'm home at mom and dad's doing free laundry and seeing the folks. Very good to be home. Hopefully the weather is right in the next two days to go shoot a ground hog.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My brother got married this weekend. Beautiful ceremony and got to spend the weekend with family.

Did ya bang a bridesmaid.... That's what makes it a good time... That is unless your married, that would be bad... Unless your wife likes that kind of stuff... Then that's double good. :)

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I think my nasty cold is finally starting to go away! Got into work early this morning and have gotten a lot done already. Hopefully the weather holds out so I can get some more work done this evening! Hope everyone has a good Monday!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Embrace those 8 days... someday you'll look back with your buddies and say. "Damn, we didn't know how good we had it!!"


almost 15 years and I wonder where time has gone and whatever happened to 3/4 of the people I went to school with.

Morgage, wife, kids, utility bills, and every other money sucking pit along the way lol. It sucks lol.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I would so do high school all over again. I would actually pay attention in class and get good grades. I would play sports again too. High school sports were a blast!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
been there done that. Don't need to go back. Were I to go back with what I know now, i think I would be more popular than when I was in HS trying to be someone else. I tried so hard to fit in in HS, that I just plain didn't fit in. Once i got out and found myself, I realized how many friends I had in HS and regret not realizing it while I was there. HS is not easy for all of us. Not everyone is a stud athlete, dating the cheerleaders, and named Jesse. lol Were I to have relaxed and comfortable in my own skin in HS, I think my HS experiences would have been much more pleasant.

Now, were I able to redo some things from the past after HS, I would probably be retired already. However, some of the same mistakes i made were also what molded me into what I am today. Things sometimes happen for a reason. I am glad i have made the mistakes in my past and glad I have learned from them. That is TOO good as well!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Some good advice guys, i still have my senior year TOO. This last quarter has flown by though! i kinda hope my senior year goes a little slower.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
i kinda hope my senior year goes a little slower.

Let me pass this on to you. It goes twice as fast as your junior year went. And if you choose to go to College, it only gets faster and faster. (I'd bet its the same no matter what you do though - time flies as you get older!)


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
For me it would be to be smarter so i would have made better decisions. Ie. College. Having a bachelors degree would be so much more beneficial to me. I dont have time to go back now norbthe ambition.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Those were some good times! Time goes by so quickly now when your my age(turning 50 in Dec) that it seems scary to think that 25 more years(half of what I just lived) I'll be an old fucker or taking a dirt nap! YIKES!!! I hope it ain't the latter but I've been very blessed up to this point so far! Now I'm just taking one day at a time and enjoying my family as much as I can. Goodluck TOO you younguns and enjoy and have fun!