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What's good TOO?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Back home and she is fit to be tied. Still contracting but not dilating...Doc said to go home. She bit her tongue...

Dang, hope she comes soon!

We saw our doctor today, and Kate still isn't dilated, so I'm leaving for SC Sunday for four days to train for work. Told Kate she had to stay on bed while I was gone!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Dang Charles, bet your wife was pissed! Hope the next trip is delivery time for you both. Good luck!

Greg, hope yours doesn't come early while you're out of town. Dang, that'd suck bigtime! Sorry I even brought it up...:smiley_blackeye:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not sure what Beentown and Fluteman are talking about? Both have very pregnant wives at home and they're chanting "Go blue". Hmmm. . . . Maybe I don't want to know. mischeif.gifmischeif.gifmischeif.gifmischeif.giflmao


Senior Member
Not sure what Beentown and Fluteman are talking about? Both have very pregnant wives at home and they're chanting "Go blue". Hmmm. . . . Maybe I don't want to know. mischeif.gifmischeif.gifmischeif.gifmischeif.giflmao

They're gonna be BLACK and BLUE if those wives of theirs don't have them babies pretty soon! Frustrations will HAVE to be taken out somewhere!:):)