Saw that pic on FB Sean. Badass brother!!!
Took yesterday off and worked around the house in the morning. Took Remi out for a run and swim at the farm, then golfed 18. Golfed again this morning with my in-laws, now it's family reunion time for them. Headed to my uncles to shoot trap and drink some beers later tonight. Ball game tomorrow and dinner with my parents. Good ass weekend!
Don, don't let Jesse fool you. He rocks the upside down and sideways visor on the course, but it's just to throw people, as he's got some serious golf game!
Sounds like a great way to spend a day Jesse!
Sounds like everyone is starting to kick out into deer mode.
I've been watching the deer about every evening in the beans behind the house. Like I told Jesse the other day, it's both a blessing and a curse to have your back yard planted, as you watch these deer come from all over, only to disappear once the season starts and the beans go brown. It's still enjoyable to watch them out there all summer though, even if I don't know weather they will be around this fall.
Woke up this morning, laid there staring at the ceiling cod just make out a little of the sunrise coming through the blinds.... Crawled out of bed looked out side.... No rain and looked like a nice morning..... Kissed the wife told her the lake is calling my name.... She mumbled something like tell it I said hi....
Got dressed uncovered the boat (it's been hooked too the truck the last 4 days) and off I went.... Didn't slay them but caught a couple of bass and pretty much had the lake too myself..... Not one of the better days but it was nice too be out on the boat by myself enjoying the lake and being on my boat..... Next too the deer stand.... This is good....
Good stuff fellas. I agree Flutie, my every spare moment will be glassing from here on out. Had a few minutes this evening and spent them watching the sun go down with binoculars and camera in hand. Didn't see anything to brag about but the fire is burning already. Who am I kidding? The fire never goes out, but my fire is getting a little more stoked up every day! Hoping to hang some stands tomorrow with a buddy after church!