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What's good TOO?


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Had a pretty good day

Upgraded some things for the bow today...

Alpine SoftLoc Quiver
QAD Ultra Rest HDX
Green and White Blazers with white wrap
Scott Little Goose release

Was contemplating a Stan release, but opted to hold off on spending the extra money right now. I already added a Roscoby Riser Cam and changed up to rages for this year. Hadn't killed any deer yet with my bow as it was (not that it was a result of the equipment I had) but felt it was time to upgrade and start a new this season. Going to get it done this year!!!

I also stopped back at the old employer to pick up a check cause I had been short paid some on my last paycheck I received there.

Lastly, I had the pleaseure of meeting J, Jim and Jeff tonight. Unfortunate circumstances but it was a pleasure to meet each of you and hope to enjoy each others company over a fire and some beers next time.

Tomorrow it is hanging sets, putting a feeder out, checking/hanging cameras.


Staff member
What's good?

Well I was a little concerned about the addition of two new landmen to the mix and how it could impact my future with the new company. I've been told it would not effect me, but you just never know. When I walked in to my office this morning, I see the window sticker for a 2011 F-150 XLT that was ordered to my specs after breifly talking to the guy who handles all that for me two weeks ago.

Assuming it was not sold between Friday and today, I'll get to pick it up later this week...
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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
My roof doesn't leak anymore lol.

Spent a lot longer on that roof then I should have so I apologize to everybody that tried to get a hold of me over the weekend. I was busier then a one legged man in an ass kickin contest.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Dang, how long did it take? Tell me you didn't just get it finished today. At least it is done. Now time to concentrate on hunting!



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Dang, how long did it take? Tell me you didn't just get it finished today. At least it is done. Now time to concentrate on hunting!


Since I didn't have a shingle shovel the tearoff took longer then it should have. Then toss in the stupid step flashing (some had to be cut to fit) and cutting shingles it sucked lol. Finished it at midnight Saturday. I'm sure my neighbors loved me for that lmao. Ever done a hip in the dark lol. It isn't exactly straight but it works for me lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Spent Saturday cutting firewood for the landowner on the property where I took the BucketBuck last year - felt good bein' out in the woods, got to use my chainsaw and haul the wood behind my 4wheeler, got a lot accomplished. Spent Sunday tidying up the garage, cleaned the interior of the truck, powerwashed the ATV. Then my folks and my BIL/SIL came over, sister in law gave all the guys haircuts and cut/colored my mom's hair and we had pizza for dinner. It was a good day.

I am REALLY fortunate to now have the ATV and my new truck, and very thankful. Those two tools made a big difference in the work Saturday, and will be a game-changer when deer season rolls around. That's what's good...


Senior Member
Food plots 6 & 7 went in this weekend, then it rained. It couldn't have been more timely. I also hung two more sets in ideal locations.

Life is good today.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I should have brought you a chalk line and tear off tool also :) Just glad you got it done.


No worries man. It's all good. It's done now and I will NEVER do it again lol. My back was the worst issue lol. Get to work on the roof for about an 1 1/2 hrs. before it would start locking up. I would have to climb down for half hour and then hit it again lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Food plots 6 & 7 went in this weekend, then it rained. It couldn't have been more timely. I also hung two more sets in ideal locations.

Life is good today.

Rain hit perfect for us too after working and seeding on Saturday! Couldn't have been better timing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Done with work for the week. Going to Cedar point with the wife and kids. then Friday is Breakfast at Bob Evans and then on TOO Mohican Hills golf course for a round of golf and beer. LONG WEEKENDS ROCK!!! Thats what is GOOD.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good for you Steve! Sounds like you deserve it with the workload you have been putting out lately. I hope you and the family have a great time!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
It is a perfect summer night. Wife is out watching a flick so I took the girls to dinner and now they are playing on the playground. In a past life I would be on my phone listening to bitchin from bosses and subordinates alike rather than my girls laughing. That's good!


Staff member
What's good? Finding apples that sell for $24 a bushel on the tree, for $6 a bushel after they fall off the tree! Just picked up two bushels and can't wait to get them in front of a camera!!! Gonna set the SpyPoint up to run 60 second videos so we can humor ourselves watching deer eat apples!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Our group drew a decent blind this morning, then we flocked some goose heads, and tomorrow we'll be paintin' a few dozen goose bodies.

Talked to Grandpa on the ride home...

Now on to a cookout with the family this evening...

Life is Good!