Congrats on the retirement, Jay, and thank you for your service.
This has been a LONG weekend. But I learned that I can use a hacksaw w/o harming myself and I built a dog grooming stand. I didn't take other pictures, but the top bar comes off, so I can add an extender for my huge dogs, mainly Zeus. Everything is glued down except for the top bar. It's not pretty but I'm proud of it~! Thank you, Don, for your help and advice.
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I also got "most" of the trench built behind my house. It's 90 feet long and this picture shows part of it. I still need to rake down some dirt, but frankly, I'm whooped and that can wait until tomorrow. Thank you, Milo, for your help and advice.
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I also got a 2 foot deep by 10 foot long water hole that covered almost the full width of the drive, filled in at the bottom of my driveway. It's only temporary as I know it will wash out, but at least I finally tracked down where the stinking water is coming from (which is not from where it appears) and at some point WAY down the road, I'll be doing that project. In the meantime, I hoe'd a trench over to the creek to get some of it to run off. Hmmm, guess I can direct water when I put my mind to it! LOL