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What's good TOO?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My granddaughter's are what's good. uploadfromtaptalk1444600785753.jpguploadfromtaptalk1444600800912.jpguploadfromtaptalk1444600819095.jpguploadfromtaptalk1444600849201.jpg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Rented a cherry picker with a buddy for the weekend. Cut down 2 trees on his property which were dead and hanging over buildings. Cut down a cottonwood overhanging my barn with 4 trunks. Each trunk being at least 15". Dropped a maple hanging over my barn dropping limbs today. I am not a guy for dropping trees. This is especially true around buildings. Proud of our efforts. Tomorrow is clean up day.

Attended a make up soccer game for Garrett at 2pm. He is a defensive player so rarely gets to score. He is generally center back. He was most of the game. Coach slid him to left back for part of the game and he took advantage of it. He got the ball and the coach instructs the left or right back to carry the ball up the field until they receive pressure, then pass to one of the forwards. He did so but the forward got into a jam and dropped it back to him. Garrett took it and I could see him salivating as he saw the opportunity to finally put one in the goal. He pressed forward after getting the ball dropped back and booted it in left footed. Proud moment. Top it off with he and the other defensive players shut out the other team. They won 6-0. Very impressive game. Proud daddy moments.

More proud dad moments? Sure, why not. All three kids attended church and Sunday school this morning. They didn't study in Sunday school though. They set up for the annual Octoberfest. All three kids helped this morning while the oldest two helped at the Octoberfest all day. I received many praises on how hard they worked. They were there until the end to tear down tables, chairs, even saw Graci carrying hay bales back to the trailer to return to the farmer. Hearing praise from other church members on how hard your kids worked while mom was sleeping (worked last night, and works tonight), and while dad was busy cutting trees and chasing soccer players. . .Proud of those kids!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
This is my second set of these on the truck. I had them on my blazer also. Very impressed with the traction and the price.

When the tires ( Michelins) wear out they'll get replaced with the cooper discoverer A/T's.... More noise, but I miss that sound lol


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
This is how I end every day. Herc jumps up on the recliner with me about 9:30pm or so and lays until we go to bed. He is a little big to be a lap dog but oh well. LOL. He almost always has a ball in his mouth.

Rented a cherry picker with a buddy for the weekend. Cut down 2 trees on his property which were dead and hanging over buildings. Cut down a cottonwood overhanging my barn with 4 trunks. Each trunk being at least 15". Dropped a maple hanging over my barn dropping limbs today. I am not a guy for dropping trees. This is especially true around buildings. Proud of our efforts. Tomorrow is clean up day.

My To-Do list is gigantic and this is one that's right up there. If we decide to stay in our house much longer sooner or later I will have to do just what you did and rent a cherry picker to cut down a huge 3 trunked maple on the back side of the house. It drops branches all year long and the moss that has started growing on the shingles because of the shade and moisture surely will be costly. Not to mention it looks like it's starting to rot in the middle of the 3 trunks, two of which would hit the house if they did come down. How did you cut the stuff that was over the buildings and keep the logs and branches from damaging the buildings?? I've got it all played out in my head how I will do it but that's the one thing I'm not sure of. Had thought of tying off the log to another branch so once I cut through it can be lowered slowly. Hate to be that guy on America's Funniest Home Videos!


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
My To-Do list is gigantic and this is one that's right up there. If we decide to stay in our house much longer sooner or later I will have to do just what you did and rent a cherry picker to cut down a huge 3 trunked maple on the back side of the house. It drops branches all year long and the moss that has started growing on the shingles because of the shade and moisture surely will be costly. Not to mention it looks like it's starting to rot in the middle of the 3 trunks, two of which would hit the house if they did come down. How did you cut the stuff that was over the buildings and keep the logs and branches from damaging the buildings?? I've got it all played out in my head how I will do it but that's the one thing I'm not sure of. Had thought of tying off the log to another branch so once I cut through it can be lowered slowly. Hate to be that guy on America's Funniest Home Videos!

That is exactly how I would do it. Tie one off to the other the lower it once cut.


Staff member
My daughter likes me today. Nothing more, sometimes you just have to take note.

HA! I'm sure one day I will know the same feeling!

My little girl will be 3 on New Years Eve. She's my "best buddy" as she says often and I'm loving every minute of being her father. My cousin watches her one day a week and she does photography as a side gig. It's a blessing to have such quality pics of her taken on a routine basis. There have been a handful of times since she was born where I feel like a certain look she gives me or has in a picture gives me a glimpse of what she's going to be like next. These pictures provide a similar glimpse. She's moving past toddler and heading for little girl pretty fast!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Barn needs a new roof. I just dropped them on the barn. Tried to hinge and let them swing to drop straight down wherever possible. A handful hit the roof though. It was a bit unnerving up that high cutting trees. Trees can do some funny things. Of all the ones which hit the roof, it was one of the last ones which is going to cost me some money. Enough money I could have paid a tree service to do the trees.