Got some great news over the weekend. My step son Jonathan is graduating HS in a few weeks. Friday was his last day. He came home and told us that he got a $3000.00 scholarship to Sinclair CC. This is huge news for us and him. Jonathan has struggled in school, he lacks the ability to stay focused and get his work done. I've had to constantly ride his ass about homework, grades, tests, exams etc. When I met his Mom who is now my wife, I pretty much took over as the lead disciplinarian. He didn't like I how I've ridden his ass, but I know it will pay off in the long run. Its just going to take him longer than I had hoped it would. He's a good kid, he just has a bad attitude, like most teens do. He's like to be lazy and not do anything, expects everything to be handed to him. Not in my house. I've had to work my ass off for everything I've had. I told him that the day I turned 18 I moved out b/c I didn't like my step dads rules and never looked back. When his grades would drop below a C, he would lose all of his electronics. We learned very quickly that was an effective tool to use. He is with us 1 week, and then with his dad for a week. It always seemed like his grades would drop when he was with his Dad and we figured out it was b/c his dad wasn't doing anything to stay on top of his grades. Then we would have to spend the next week fighting and arguing with him to get his shit together. Schools now have this thing called Progress Book, where I could log in and see his grades anytime I wanted. Unfortunately for Jonathan, I'm on it all the time. Well I can finally delete the sight and the App from my phone b/c he did it. He graduated and even got a scholarship. Proud Dad moment here. Just wanted to brag on him a bit.