Just got back from Hocking Hills about 15 minutes ago and had a great time with my mother and the rest of the family that visited. Saturday gave us great weather for hiking and having a campfire. We visited the "Rockbridge" and the "Rockhouse". My cuz (Kevin) and I drank beers around the campfire from 9:30 to 2:50am Sunday morning. A few sprinkles came and went after 1:00 but never ran us out. Three of my favorite camp critters serenaded us all night long. Whippoorwills,barred owls and big ass bullfrogs lit it up all night. What a great time! Then reality hit later this morning at 9:30 with a slight headache and cotton mouth but it was worth it. Lol
I'll post pics of our trip later on this week. Sean, I highly recommend you and your family check those two landmarks out. Great photo ops.