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What's good TOO?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Text from my dad (Old Scout):

"Ur pain in ass. Put it on hill where buck came I think now if I can get out with no snake bites weeds tall as me"

LMAO! He got bored and went to move a camera this morning to try and get a pic of the big boy we've been seeing and I think he got a bit flustered when he asked me where to put it. It's tough to give directions from work...

Love having him around and keeping him young :smiley_clap:

He's a great pain in the ass to have, believe me!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Love it Mike! As per our text discussion the other day, what a blessing to have him out there enjoying the hunts with you! That is TOO good!

TOO good for me? Just finished invoicing the property maintenance side of things. While I should have been at the show setting up 4-5hrs ago, it is good to know these invoices are out and I can focus the rest of the weekend on moving some product! I am pumped! Had a guy wanting to buy 2 quad pods and a blind yesterday when we were setting up. I pray the rains hold off and the money flows like water for all the vendors this weekend! Other vendors do well, then we do well.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Ric. Sales have been so-so. Beer had been flowing like water. I am ready to pass out now. Much needed break from the norm. That is TOO good!


Staff member
Woke up at 6:30 this morning to scout for geese and struck out miserably, but I saw a ton of deer and has a great morning drive. Started working on my chores today around 7:30. Gutted the baby's closet and got it ready for paint and painted the door. Fixed the ceiling fan in the living room after finding a loose wire in one of the 3 switches that control the fan. Cleaned the garage up so I could work on my projects while I did a couple loads of laundry. Ate some lunch and am enjoying the first part of the Buckeyes game.

Going to make a run to town and get a shelving unit, beer, and deliver a contract for work. Painting the closet later, assembling the closet organizer, and cutting some trim for the bathroom. Busy ass day!!!

Headed to Flutemans later to shoot bows and help him root on Michigan. It's a bit painful, but I hate Nick Saban and support the Big 10 out of conference. Today is a good day!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well finally got to get the bow down to SCO and got the new strings on. They are looking pretty sweet. A world of thanks to Milo. Also found my release today so I don't need to buy a new one. Also picked up my millinium stand while I was there.

Definitely TOO GOOD on that front today.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Hung my Millenium in the back yard for the girls to mess with. I got up in it and was flabbergasted (sp?) by the comfort. Just wish the chain was a strap.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Riding around on golf carts drunk as a skunk. Had a good sales day. Saw BH57, Dannmann, and Whitetailspecialties. Now what? More consumption. Of adult beverages and golf carts!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Gordo. Laying here in bed ready to check off our final day of the show. Woke up before the alarm and surprised the heck outta myself! Good day!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, my son made a surprise visit home this weekend too surprise his mother for her birthday, we hung out Friday while she was at work talked and spent the day hitting outdoor shops in the Canton area and made it home too get ready for dinner.... We left the house before she got home, had reservations made for the Road house in Alliance and the wife and daughter drove up under the pretense of me still being up in Canton and going too meet them there at 6:30..... We were staged in the parking lot up the road from the road house and Kayla texted me when they were seated..... We walked in (me in the lead) and Ryan behind me, I sat down the wife looked at me looked up at Ryan standing there looked back at me her head snapped back too Ryan and the tears started too flow...... Touchdown...... She was floored too say the least and she cried for like 5 minutes.....

Everyone up early for breakfast and then off too the airport for his flight back down too South Carolina..... Short weekend for him but was really good too spend some time with him..... Life is good for the wife she got too see her baby boy......


Well-Known Member
Friends invited us to Attica for the all-star sprint car races this weekend. They pulled a few string and my boys were able to ride in the pace truck and were down on the track to announce "let's go racing!".