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Who's shooting? Tuning? Tinkering?


Dignitary Member
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Received a new half dozen arrows for my recurve today. 3Rivers Archery is always great to deal with. Always has what you need and speedy delivery every time. I got a set of Gold Tip Traditional Classic XT's, 29" carbon to carbon, 400 spine. These arrows are pretty sweet because they come with a heavy 78-grain insert and 14-grain "ballistic collar" outserts that slide over the end. The inserts are threaded on the back end so you can install Gold Tip's screw-in weight system to help dial in dynamic spine and increase FOC. I put a 150 point on there, which brings the total arrow weight (minus feathers and wrap) to 579 grains. I bought a set of 10-grain and 20-grain screw in weights so I'm going to do some tinkering to see how heavy I can go before arrow flight suffers.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
You guys are something special, WOW! The amount of information you guys give is way beyond me. Jim, I think you said you got new arrows and they’re really cool. 😂🤣


Dignitary Member
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Stark County

Shooting pretty good at 30. Going through a mental checklist before I release the arrow seems to be helping.


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
Holy penetration bigslam... might need a thicker target
You ain't shitting. That block is long ways too, and I still have to push the arrow out from the other side. I guess that's what happens when you draw 72 pounds and shoot uncut FMJ's🤷🏻‍♂️. Basically I'm too cheap to spend $100 or more on a good target lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looks like you guys had a good time, Brock. I've been trying to talk some buddies into shooting some 3d lately but not getting any takers. Oh well. Good idea with the chair/quiver setup!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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We haven't been attending many the last couple of months. We've just been too busy I guess. Mason is ate up with archery. He bought himself the bow he shot today, purchased strictly for target archery. The kid has always been a pretty good shooter, he's now learning the finer points. It won't be long until he's giving me tips. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I got a new set of arrows the other day and today I finally got around to doing some bare shaft tuning with my recurve. I got Gold Tip Traditional Classic XT's in 400 spine. I had them cut to 29", but as I kind of expected, they turned out to be too weak with the front end setup I wanted to use.

The GT Traditional Classics come with a 78-grain insert that can accomodate GT's screw-in weight system. These weights screw in the back end of the insert, and are installed through the nock-end of the arrow with a long allen wrench that GT sells separately. The XT version of the Classics also come with a black, 14-grain, "ballistic collar" which slides over the front end of the arrow. The ballistic tip is not glued in place... It is simply held on by screwing down the field point or broadhead.

Insert and collar before installing...

20 and 10-grain weights...

So I started with a 29" arrow shaft, a 150-grain field point, and the GT nock and ballistic collar. I wanted to add a 20-grain weight as well, and after doing so I was getting a consistent nock-left flight with the bare shafts, indicating a weak dynamic spine of the arrow. From there I started taking length off of the back end of the arrow, 1/4" at a time... and I played with both 10 and 20-grain weights until I dialed it in with good, straight arrow flight. What I finally settled on was a 28" arrow shaft, the insert and ballistic collar, and a 20-grain weight on the inside. Spine-wise, my arrow flight couldn't be much better... But I think I do have to adjust my nock height on my string just a bit. I had Black Widow take some weight off my limbs, and after I adjusted brace height I never did adjust my nock height... so I expected it to be off some.

Just to put my mind at ease, I visited the 3Rivers Archery website and utilized their online dynamic spine calculator tool. I plugged in my final numbers and according to their calculator I am nearly dead nuts where it should be. And with over 19% FOC to boot. I'll take it.

I'm really looking forward to putting some wraps and feathers on these puppies and slinging some broadheads.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Why are your guys fletchings different? Is there a benefit to having straight or twisted?
Hard to tell in the pic but mine have a strong right helical as well. More spin, more drag, more stability. Straight fletch may travel a little faster due to less drag.
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