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Why do you switch broadheads


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For those of you who switch broadheads like Swantucky drinks beer I have a question: Why do you do it?

It seems like the majority of forum users are switching broadheads on a yearly basis. Since I started bow hunting I have only used one brand - Thunderheads - they kill deer quick, penetrate well through bone or flesh, and have never let me down. Am I one of only a few who have had good fortune with sticking with one broadhead? What gives?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
The latest and greatest. I only switch after smoking the blades. I shoot all kinds of stuff with my bow. I burn through broadheads. Now I just use Judo points most of the time. Talk about a thump when you hit something.


Thanks Jack...thanks mods...for a great place to come to.
Didn't know you were so much like Coonie...kiss azz...lol



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I usually switch because I just want to try something different. I've shot Thunderheads, and Muzzys... and I wasn't really too impressed with either, but I hunted with them anyway. A few years ago I bought a pack of G5 Tekans, and they treated me extremely well. I shot them for three seasons and killed 5 deer with them, all pass throughs and no broken blades. I could buy replacement blades and use them this year if I wanted to, but I just feel like trying something new. This year I started with a clean slate... new bow, new arrows, new EVERYTHING... so I figure I might as well try some new broadheads too. Honestly, I'd say 95% of the broadheads on the market these days will do a great job on whitetails, so I think the majority of guys just switch for the sake of trying something fresh.


*Supporting Member III*
yeah, I'm with Jbrown. I just like trying new stuff. It's like when I start exercising again i get all new stuff to get me all fired up. New broadheads make me want to shoot more. Also, I'm the joker who started the shoulder shot thread a while back, so I figure I should try something that goes through bone better:) Shooting Muzzy mx4's this year.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I tried satailites back in the day. Nothing has killed a deer for me in 17 years but a Thunderhead 125. The same bow has flung those heads, until my bow stops killing deerz or my beloved Thunderheads fail me I won't switch. Not only is my setup dependable it costs money to change shit and I am cheap.


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
I'm cheap. I went to Magnus Stingers and Wensel Woodsmans (for wood arrows) for the following reasons:

1. Re-sharpenable. This saves me about $50 to $100 a year in replacement blades.

2. Shoot great.

3. For Magnus their no questions asked replacement warranty. That alone could save you a lot of money.

At least I think that's why I shoot them. It's been so long I've forgotten.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Cause I can. :)

I like to try new things. It's not like I need to change heads. (With the exception of the piece of shit Tekan II's I had that year and the super loud Grim Reapers I hated.) It's boring to do the same thing time after time, after time. I could be cheap and let that dictate my choice, but that'll never happen! ;) If I see something that tickles my fancy, I'll probably try to kill a deer with it. That's the great thing about bowhunting, there are all kinds of ways to get the job done. I simply prefer to experiment.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Muzzy worked last year. Using it this year. Whenever I am competent enough with the stick and string I just picked up, then I will probably try something different with them too. Heck, I don't even have arrahs fer it yet.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I am like you JJ, I have used Thunderheads for years and years and don't plan to switch. If it is not broken why fix it?

I did switch ffrom 125's to 85's but that was due to a new bow and set up. :smiley_bril:


Senior Member
I shot G5 montecs last season, but I dont usually stick with one broadhead for years and years.

Usually I try something different each year...dont shoot alot of mechanicals mostly fixed blade


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I cant really say I switch I guess. I have g5 Montecs and Rages on my arrows. Whichever one comes out that day is the one I use. I am partial to my rages though. Never have failed me and have had complete pass throughs everytime, and have left gaping holes....and they knock out turkeys if you skin their neck instead of cutting it off.


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Whelp, I picked up a new package of thunderhead 100s last night...I just can't switch from a BJ that kills deer every year. :D


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Freudian slip?

.I just can't switch from a BJ that kills deer every year.

BH? No worries JJ. I think about them all the time too. GLad to hear you are still straight.


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Freudian slip?

BH? No worries JJ. I think about them all the time too. GLad to hear you are still straight.

LOL! No....well maybe...but it was just the iPhone trying to predict what I was actually trying to say. They got it wrong this time. :D


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
I don't! If it isn't broke, why fix it. Snuffers for ever! :smiley_chinrub::smiley_adfundum:


Senior Member
I've been true from the Satalite days, to Thunderhead, to Wasp Jakhammers, and now to Rage 2 blades. I guess I switched because my father is tied closely to the archery industry. He brings home samples from time to time for trial. I'm stuck on Rage for the time being.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I cant really say I switch I guess. I have g5 Montecs and Rages on my arrows. Whichever one comes out that day is the one I use. I am partial to my rages though. Never have failed me and have had complete pass throughs everytime, and have left gaping holes....and they knock out turkeys if you skin their neck instead of cutting it off.

I carry the exact same heads in my quiver