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Why should I retire in Ohio?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I actually like Ohio. I think it is a good mix of everything. I live in a great town with mostly good people. Taxes suck and town is moving closer and closer. But I am 20 minutes to the big town, shopping, and going out. 20 minutes from 50% of my good hunting land.

Good fishing
Good hunting
110 days of sun a year, 3 months of winter, 3 months of summer, and 6 months of grab bag weather.

The only thing Ohio is really missing is a coastal area and it would be almost perfect. Lake Erie just doesn't have the pull/life of the ocean.



Dignitary Member
Staff member

Are you saying TF would be better off retiring in West Virginia?

No. WV taxes Military retirement pay. But truth be told. If he plans to remain employed he will pay less on his new income in WV than he would here.

Depends on what he would be making and paying taxes on VS how much retirement pay he would be paying on.

Total tax burden in Ohio is 12.4% (as percent of income) WV is 10.9%. DC is 12.5% Yes.. You read that right.. People in Washington DC only pay .01% more taxes than us in Ohio.. And Hawaii pays the same as Ohio. We ain;t no DC and we sure as hell ain;t no Hawaii. All we have is Crime and Corn.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Police state. I saw more cops between Cincinatti and Columbus than i did the entire time between the gulf coast and Cincy.

It is true. I was along for the trip. I am not sure we saw any at all in MS or TN and that was over half the ride home. rotflmao


The Crew
Joe, that is so true. All you have to do is go south of Columbus, and the attitudes of people get so much better. The more south you go, the better everything!

You forgot about the hospital they are the biggest employer in Ross Co and quite a few other counties as well.
Not a good sign as far as I am concerned.


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
We'll see how it goes. I've found that my attitude changes weekly. For the longest I wanted to move to AK, but after visiting I think that's enough. The bugs, cold, and remoteness is something that would get old to me. Next month I'll probably want to move to Guam.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Chuck not to pry but what's the wife want to do??? Big part of the equation.... I moved around a lot before settling in Salem and that's where the wife liked to be.... I had my time felt I owed her that..... when we retire in 4 years we'll move one last time and that'll be it..... but my home will always be Ohio..... regardless where the dwelling is located......


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
J, My wife would love to move back to Ohio, but more importantly she wants to move someplace I can get a good and stable job. Ohio's lure is mainly because our family is there. We like the weather and while the taxes suck the market is currently prime to get a house with up to 50 acres for less than half what you would have paid 10 years ago.

The number one draw back for us is the Ohio's economy. If I can get a GS position then I think we'll be OK, but we'll see.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ohio has big bucks, and lots of them... who gives a shit about everything else??? :smiley_coolpeace:
Nothing wrong with Ohio, compared to the other choices you listed.

I read a bumper sticker, while I was in Tennessee, that read: "You can say what you want about the south, but you'll never hear anyone say: 'When I retire, I'm moving north.'

Good hunting, Bowhunter57