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Wildlife 2022/2023 Deer Season


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Lol, you don't leave much room for questions. What are people supposed to say? You pretty much cover everything.

How long until the coyote chasing starts? Hopefully we get the snow Sunday because that always gets people fired up.

Ideally, I'd love to see you start a trap line with this kind of coverage. That would be cool!


Supporting Member
Ross County
9:15PM, Friday, January 20, 2023: ' Storm Debris Cleanup & 🦌 Junior'


Video description:

I didn’t do much of anything outdoors today, but I did manage to take care of one of the trees that snapped in half yesterday evening during the arrival of the second storm front of the day. When the tree came down, I was not even 50 yards from that very spot too when I first heard the crackle of the tree snapping and I turned to see it fall to the ground. More than half of the tree fell to the ground yesterday and that tree is approximately 60 years old as well, now firewood for the workshop wood stove.

Anyhow, I used the other chainsaw that I use for pruning mainly to cut up whatever I could with it of that Elm Tree debris. Only the trunk of the tree remains now and once I have the Stihl chainsaw back online again, that’s when I’ll finish up the rest. Chainsaw parts were ordered yesterday, and I should receive them tomorrow hopefully.

I also included within the video all the other wildlife that stepped in front of one of the three cellular trail cameras, two @home and one @theotherfarm. All the previous day visitors were already shared in earlier video drops of today.

I hope that you all enjoy and thank you for watching!



Thank you, Dave, very much! Yote hunting for me typically starts shortly after I complete my deer season, which I hope to be finished up with that this Sunday.

With regards to trapping, I'm a bit hesitate about using snares and I do see myself getting back into trapping once again, I just haven't had the time yet to fool with it, but I would like to get back into it. For now, I just shoot anything that I do not want around, that is wihtin season of course. Doesn't matter what I shoot them with either, as long as I am successful with it.

I really appreciate all the feedback from here as much as possible because I trust and believe most here, so thanks again, much appreciated!!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Wish to squeeze in just one more before midnight and me truly wanting to go to be too...


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As the end of the hunting season begins to winddown, these two guys seem to have it in them still. Glad to see it!

Anyway, just some more of what all occurred here @home this evening before I decided to go to bed.

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for watching!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
11:00AM, Saturday, January 21, 2023: 'Good Morning!'


This is all I've got for this morning during daylight. There was a fair amount of deer movement overnight though, however everything now around here seems like a ghost town.

I'm just farting around today, doing some of my laundry, washing all my hunting clothes and gearing up for tomorrow's archery hunt by going through all items/gear and making sure that my daypack is properly filled with everything I think I may want and/or need for tomorrow.

I'm also slinging a few arrows throughout the day inside the nice warm workshop, trying to get those muscles, timing, rhythm and technique back in shape once again. I'll tell ya, it feels real good having the bow in my hands again. I'll be good and ready by the time tomorrow gets here.

Anyway, I hope that you all are having a decent morning and I care to wish you all a great rest of the weekend too! Try to stay warm if you can.

Take care,

P.S. - I'll continue to post up further TCs images of today as they become available and as soon as I can get to them.





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Supporting Member
Ross County
5:30PM. Saturday, January 21, 2023: 'What did I do for the deer today|?|'


Since here @home, there has been virtually not any wildlife activity today to speak of really, which is hard to believe, I went and took advantage of the situation by swapping SD cards that were nearly full, scrubbed and cleaned the feed troughs at the feed station, pulled the secondary overflow feed trough and placed it in the back of the pickup truck because I have plans of relocating it since we do not have nearly the same number of deer due to the EHD outbreak last summer/fall, the following serves as proof basically, showing that I accomplished every that I cared to do for the deer today.

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More storm debris picked up also during my travels throughout the property too today.

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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Denny looking good... I did the same thing. Took 2 50lb bags of corn in for my deer... Shortly they knew the dinner bell rang....


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Supporting Member
Ross County

This evening, the feed site location has been extremely active with deer the entire last hour of daylight, and it's still going on. I'm waiting on all the other HD images to become available, then I'll post them for you all.



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Supporting Member
Ross County
2:30PM, Sunday, January 22, 2023: 'Morning Archery Hunt Only'


Weather was getting pretty rough, and I was concerned about not making it home with just the two wheel drive pickup. Weather conditions were much worse @theotherfarm than here @home.

The further south I drove, the better the road conditions became. Interstate 23 was okay, but all the other secondary roads north of Circleville are definitely tricky; very slick/slippery. It got even more wet and slushier the further south I went, beyond Circleville.

More snow is expected later this afternoon @theotherfarm so, I'm staying home this evening and I'll try to get back out sometime later this week.



Video description:

Hunted this morning from sunup until 11:00 a.m. @theotherfarm. This is yet another video added to this year's hunting journal playlist. Today's hunt details below.

When I first left the house and started driving to the other farm, just right down the road there were six deer inside the picked cornfield. I didn't see anymore after that the rest of the drive, however, right after I parked at the barn, I pulled up my Tactacam Reveal cellphone application, and I saw that there were deer already at the feed site there. So, I took my sweet time getting to the stand, and I didn't bump nor scare off any deer too.

It didn't take long to see my first deer during legal daylight either, right around 8:00 a.m. I captured a video clip of the young buck as he was passing through too.

Didn't see anymore deer the rest of the hunt, and the snow kept coming down pretty darn good the last couple of hours of the hunt too, which prompted me to end the hunt because I knew the roads were going to be hazardous, and they were, and when I did get home, I checked the Tactacam Reveal application again on the cellphone, and there was a coyote captured on the trail camera at 12:22 p.m., standing at the feed site, roughly 20-25 yards away from the tree with my tree-stand in it.

Anyway, no arrow took flight during today's archery hunt, so not a mess was made. Tomorrow's another day and there's a pretty good chance I'll get back out again, or later sometime during the week when the weather conditions are better.

Hope you enjoy and thank you for watching!


Please be safe if you do have to be out on the roads today because it is quite hazardous out there.

Have a great rest of the weekend 'TOO'zers!


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Supporting Member
Ross County
3:45PM, 01/22: Would've; should've, maybe could've too, but I played it safe instead and stayed home, Tomorrow is another day for me to get after them.

I'll continue to add whatever deer that steps in front of any of the three cellular trail cameras of mine until dark today.



@theotherfarm - just what I was looking for earlier this morning, dang...


@home -
what do you see in the one photograph beside the deer? I'm not sure what it is exactly, maybe some sort of bird I suppose, cardinal perhaps. IDK.



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Supporting Member
Ross County
Let this be 'fair warning' for you, and anyone else that's been paying attention, it's gonna be a long movie 😊 cause he, along with all the others it looks like, are having a grand-ol-time out there at the moment 😂



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Denny.... Just remember.. Junior is a pet... YOU CANT SHOOT HIM NEXT SEASON, EVEN IF HES 200 INCHES...
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Supporting Member
Ross County
3:45AM, Monday, January 23, 2023: '🦌 Junior in daylight at 🏡 ♥️'

There will be more video drops this morning showing what all occurred overnight at each private property I hunt these days.

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Video description:

It's been a while since Junior was captured in daylight, and well, you'll get to see him right along with another when they first showed up this evening at the home feed site.

There will be another following video showing what all occurred overnight @theotherfarm next.

Hope you enjoyed and thank you for watching!


@5Cent - Just wanted to say, congratulations to you both, your son and you on the wonderful video that you shared of your hunt yesterday evening! Very cool and I'm so happy for you both! Forever memories being made, that is awesome, Adam! Good stuff!!

Now you're in my book this year too 😂
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Supporting Member
Ross County
9:30AM, 01/23/23:


Video description:

This is a video showing all the other deer that showed up at either one of the feed sites overnight, video put together with all the data placed in consecutive order by date & time from last night, up until daylight. Top of the 7 o'clock hour is when things really started getting real busy at both feed sites.

A few added notes:

1.) I thought about speeding up the video from this original, but afterwards decided against it, however if you do wish to speed it up, you're welcome to do so yourself through this media platform. Should you do so by chance, you may want to also mute the sound, so then it'll all will not sound all garbled or something like wise.

2.) The feed sites are approximate 350 yards apart or away from each other and you will get to see where both feed sites got to be rather active at the same time with 🦌 deer.

3.) The other farm will be the next update. Some wildlife magic was happening there too overnight as well.

I hope that you enjoy and thank you for watching!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
10:40AM, 01/23/23: 'The show must go on'


Video description:

Just further continuation of all the deer beyond what was previously shared. Everything is all quiet now here @home for the time being, although I do expect them to return later today, definitely during the evening primetime hour.

Now I'll update everything that has been happening @theotherfarm since my morning hunt there yesterday.

The deer have been keeping busy today.

Thank you for watching and I hope that you enjoyed!



Supporting Member
Ross County
1:30PM, 01/23/23: 'Tactacam Helpdesk Ticket Created'

But first, here's the latest that happened a short time ago here at home.



In the last post I mentioned that I would update what all occurred at the other farm over the last 24 hours. Well unfortunately, I'm having a some technical difficulty with the only REVEAL X model that I have, which prompted me to contact Tactacam to submit a help ticket. Below is a copy of the last email exchange with Tactacam technical support shortly ago, and I attached two snapshots of the very latest camera status report as well, which was sent to Tactacam technical support as well to figure out why I'm not receiving HD photographs. I'll update this post when the problem gets resolved.

Hello, and thank you for your help!

I just signed out and then back in on both my laptop and phone. I even rebooted the cellphone as well. The status is the same, and no, I did not delete any of the photographs that I requested, I never received them to even delete them.

Anyway, I also noticed that I did not receive the daily check-in photograph either today, which never happened before either. The last photograph received for that REVEAL X was this morning, which was of a deer, @7:34 a.m., January 23, 2023. I have not received any other photographs since then. The cellphone application is giving me a perfect status indication of the camera as well, currently.

I attached screen snapshots for your reference.

Thank you again for your help! I have no idea what to do next, so your help is greatly appreciated!! That camera is located an hour away from me too.

Tactacam Jessica M (Tactacam & Scrapefix)
Jan 23, 2023, 10:57 AM CST
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for reaching out to us and I apologize for the issues that you are experiencing this. Have you logged out of the app and back in again to see if the HD images show up? Have any of these photos been deleted?

Tactacam Jessica
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Supporting Member
Ross County
9:00PM, 01/23/23: 'More 🦌 deer today @🏡'

(Last photograph received from the other farm earlier this morning)
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(Just received this photograph moments ago, the very next photograph sent since the one above)

I'm still trying to figure out what the heck is going on with the Tactacam Reveal X trail camera @theotherfarm. I just received the first image since earlier this morning, which I find it hard to believe that there wasn't anything else that stepped in front of that camera all day today. I may have to make the trip there tomorrow if Tactacam can't figure it out before I decide to take off for the place.

I still have not received none of the HD photographs requested since late last night and very early this morning too. The following is what I was hoping to receive in high definition, then share it afterwards. As you can see, that farm received much more snow than what we did here at home. I'm glad that I left the other farm when I did Sunday because those secondary roads were truly hazardous to be out driving on yesterday afternoon for sure.

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More deer just started to show up again and I'm done for this evening. This following is what showed up until 7 o'clock tonight.

Just collected everything between the two farms that will make today and this post current. I just threw them into one file, which includes both locations until now.


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More antlerless deer showed up today at home. No more deer movement happening currently though at home, and @theotherfarm, the trail camera there is having some sort of technical difficulty. It hasn't sent any photo images since 7:30 a.m. this morning, which was of a antlerless deer.

I wasn't planning on making another trip to the other farm quite so soon, but it appears that I may have to in order to see what's going on with that camera there.

I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching!

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