Done a crazy track Friday. It was in relation to one on a deer hunting site. Majority saying dead deer~~go get it!
We went in behind a drone that had found a steaming gut pile... but the blood trail in the snow came from opposite direction. (Hunter verified pile).
By corn pile, I find 2 handfulls of white hair and ask about a low hit? Hunters Dad said no, he'd seen fletchings @ mid-body at the shot. Maxx got busy and progresses the track about 6-700 yds. Maxx was smelling the air and trying to divert. Hunters Dad says "we're near the gut pile, lets go back and restart @ field. Maxx went in a small thicket and found a bloody bed, just as we start back on original track, sxs pulls up to run us out but we had permission. We had walked past a raised blind a few min ago and she was in it!

She was pretty cool after she realised who Maxx was. We tracked her sons deer last year. She asked which buck we were tracking, then produced this pic...
Track was pretty much called after that.