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Wisdom Teeth


Senior Member

I hope that they are cutting them out, not pulling them. The dentist that took out mine, my brother and sisters has a tool that clamps around the tooth and cuts it in half (or maybe it's quarters?) so that he has to cut a minimal amount. It took about 20 minutes and I got knocked out by IV.

Please post once you get slap happy...

The biggest thing that you can do it just not eat. And drink as much water as you can this week. Also, when you go to bed tomorrow, make sure it's on old sheets and pillow cases. I woke up the morning after mine, didn't feel good and went past my mom on the way to the bathroom. She said "You need to go see you dad" but I figured it could wait til after I took my morning piss. Wrong. My entire face and white undershirt that I had worn to bed was covered with dried blood, as was my bed. Nasty. I puked/coughed up some nasty blood crap and went back to bed. I did go into school that afternoon though just to get out of the house, so you can teach tomorrow ;)

And actually, 1.5 days after was the a Youth Deer Saturday and I went hunting with my dad. I sat with him and ate yougert in the woods lol...think I missed a deer that day and blamed it on having less wisdom.... that afternoon was the OSU/Michigan game and I went to a party and couldn't eat. Best advice though - have a shredded chicken sandwich, it's soft and after you don't eat anything for a few days its soooo good


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Sounds like a great way to start the week lmao

In all seriousness Mike, good luck! My experience sucked...woke up during it, got a hematoma in my check that made me look like one swollen mother fugger. Hope you have a smooth easy operation. Like John said, get some good pills!
yogurt , pudding and jello will be your best friends for the next few days lotsa water , my experience was clost to steves but i had 9 other teeth pulled the same time they did my wisdom teeth , just few years ago , i woke up with dried blood caked on my face and sheets , and if you want the novacain to wear off sooner , gargle with sprite from mcdonalds , for some reason it pulls the novacain out


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
You will probably look like a chipmunk for a few hours after but you can take the packing out after a few hours. Don't use straws or anything that would need suction for the first couple days. Swish with plenty of warm salt water starting a couple days after and you should be just fine.

Dry socket sucks so don't do anything that will pull the clots out :(.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
jeez guys this stuff is even painful to read. When my wife had hers taken out she had all four pulled, two crowns redone, and three silver fillings replaced with white. They knocked her out but she hated life for a couple days..

Myself im just one of the lucky SOBs who never had wisdom teeth. Neither did my mom so it must be genetic.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I ate a Whopper the same day. I also went on a date that night. Didn't get any kisses though. You are married. Pull for a sympathy BJ. I tell my wife it is the cure for all ailments. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes people suffer miserably. Hope yours isn't too bad.

FWIW- I had 5 of them. I guess that is why I am a smart ass.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
My wife had 2 pulled last Thursday, she only had Novocain. She said the worst part is she bit her cheek while numb and then kept bitting it because of the swelling.

My came out years ago (not all at once) and it was no big deal, but everyone's different.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Good luck Cotty....

I had mine out about 13 years ago. The drugs treated me well, and I didn't have any pain that I can remember. Maybe that's cuz the drugs treated me well.


Tatonka guide.
jeez guys this stuff is even painful to read. When my wife had hers taken out she had all four pulled, two crowns redone, and three silver fillings replaced with white. They knocked her out but she hated life for a couple days..

Myself im just one of the lucky SOBs who never had wisdom teeth. Neither did my mom so it must be genetic.

or your a dumbass....just sayinrotflmao

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Hope all goes well, I too was supposed to get mine out a few years ago and didn't, should probably make the appointment as well. Let us know how it goes.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not TOO bad so far. Hard to type.
I'm numb as fuck.