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Wish me luck!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Going out in the rain with my four wheeler, cordless drill, and 20 "No Trespassing" signs to post at "Farm West". Bringing the bow and binoculars along too. If I glass anything in the distance, I am going to attempt to throw down a stalk in the rain. Still plenty of corn there too. I am not afraid to try new things. What is the worst that could happen? I fail? Failure in my opinion, would be never attempting anything new.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
CJD was just tellin me this weekend to keep the bow handy when working (I wuz gonna be cutting wood) in the woods, ya never know what's gonna pop up! Kill something bro, good luck


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Good luck hicks!

Wish I had the ability to be out and about on property I have access to during the week with the ability to carry my bow while working and or hunt. I think I need to move...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Always take the bow... Last year a buddy shot a doe. Hit her bad and needed help tracking. I met him back at the cabin and changed clothes into jeans and a hoodie. He asked, are you going to take your bow.. Nah, look how i'm dressed and we'll be making all that noise tracking.... He replied "stranger things have happened"..

We got to the top of the hill and i lost blood. While we were looking he ended up on a small finger ridge not 100 yards to my right.. I'm looking on the ground and out of the top of my vision i see a deer run not 10 feet in front of me.. I look up and it runs and stops not 30 yards then runs off. As i'm turning to look my buddies direction I yell "HEY MIKE, You believe thiiiiii" It was then i saw a buck not 30 yards behind me.. About a 130 class 10, broadside, and standing there eyes locked on a doe not 5 feet to his front. She was looking at me. I must have stopped her run when i yelled "hey mike" The buck walks up and starts to lay his horns on the top of her rump,,. I did the only thing i could do.. I threw my beer at him.. She bolts with him in tow.... He pushed that doe up over the ridge right between us.

So now when someone says anything in the cabin about hunting this way or that, the catch phrase is "Stranger things have happened, Ain't that right Joe.." LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well. . . No deer down. I kicked up a doe or small buck (couldn't see much other than small body) on my way in. I had already hung 4 signs at this point. Made my way to the west edge of the property. Starting working north hanging signs. Got 5 more hung and came around a bend on the edge of the woods/beans. I see brown! I see antlers! I see he is within bow distance. I did attempt to throw it in reverse and ease backwards around the bend to put the stalk on him on foot. Before I got it in reverse, he was gone. So was the friend with him. Just didn't see which friend was with him tonight. Surprisingly, this buck was probably only a few hundred yards off the road between 5-530PM. I did manage to kick up to turkeys as well. Beards and big bodies on these two. Oh well, at least the signs are hung.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
The first year I bought this place I needed firewood. It was gun season when we moved in. I sat a stand in the morning and had to get some wood cut. I was gonna tote my gun but decided that with the saw running no deer would come by. I get the saw going, look up and a doe is standing 25 yards from me just watching. If my weapon would have been on the quad...well.....

Just started raining here...glad I decided to drink beer instead of hunt. I may go the first whole week of the season without hunting.


Senior Member
I remember as a kid in NY we were staying at our friend's house, I was probably 6 or 7 at the time. It was like the second Saturday in gun season (used to be 2 weeks long, maybe more?) and the guy went out to put up signs since they had a tree stand ripped down (back when they were wood stands!). Took the gun with him and popped a doe off the trail. He came back to the house and gathered us young kids up and we all got to hold a leg while he dressed it - a memory that I will never forget! And no doubt one of the ones that got me hooked on hunting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

That's some steady rain here tonight, I bet you are getting your ass wet!

Waterproof camo? I want my money back. My boys were so cold and sucked up in my gut so far it looked like I had hard nipples. Soaked to the undies. Dang.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I honestly don't remember. I think it was Guide Gear. Sportsman's Guide special. Rain proof, ha. My nuts just found their way back into my sack 20 minutes ago.