The reviews on the lace ups said the tongues were too big and awkward to get positioned comfortably and that's the truth. I tried on the 6" and 8" versions today and definitely disliked the tongue. They had this pair of Wellingtons on sale at our local uniform supply store. Steel toes, comfortable, on sale, bought locally, and American made, so they check all the boxes expect being waterproof. I'll lather them up with the appropriate waterproofing material to help fight off the moisture, but I'm pleased so far. Just put 2 hours of chainsaw/farm chores on them and I'm not disappointed.Boots are hard to come by in this town and I'm leary of ordering online. I need to replace my Ariat slip ons that finally gave up the ghost. I think I'm ready for some lace ups and will go back to a safety toe after buying that new weedeater blade. Any Thorogood fans out there? How is the sizing if you have owned a pair? I like this pair, any maybe prefer a 6" over the 8" for hot weather.
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