Senior Member
Sure, but ill need a longer one.
Maybe that's what the "Double D Ring closure" is for :smiley_confused_vra
Sure, but ill need a longer one.
Would I have to smoke up my balls?
I always do that! That's my favorite part!!! lmao
The difference betwern a skirt and a kilt is the presence or absence of underwear. I would wear them. Heck i have almost bought a utilikilt a couple of times.Its a skirt....Hell NO!
Just watch your diet and you won't have to use as much smoke in the nether regions. :smiley_crocodile:
You are pretty open about your poop and balls on here. I think we are all TOO familiar with it. haha
I have no shame.
And I had shrimp for lunch. I'll let you know how that goes...
Are these people serious. I mean like actually fucking serious. Jeeez. I guess they've ran out of ideas for useless shit to bolt to a weapons rail or clip on their belt. I thought the scarves were a little much. Now they're wearing dresses. Watch. Some limp wristed four star in Washington will try to make it a military uniform.
Jesse...I think you could possibly benefit from wearing one of these....rotflmao
I always do that! That's my favorite part!!! lmao