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Would you?


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
I "had" to ware a dress in the senior class paly in high school! I was "damaged" for life! Just ask Brock. :pickle::smiley_baby::banana::smiley_adfundum:
I know a guy that is an actual Scotsman and he wore a kilt to a Halloween party. He was in full Scotsman apparel, bag pipes and all. After about half way through the party he said he'd never do that again.

He was keeping his back to the wall and carrying the bag pipes in front of his groin to protect himself. Apparently, in about a 2 hour span of time he'd had over 20 women run their hands up his kilt to see if he was wearing underwear or not. :smiley_armscrossed: These were not the most user friendly "grabs", but more of a "grab and run".

I'll pass!!! :smiley_arrogant:



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Are these people serious. I mean like actually fucking serious. Jeeez. I guess they've ran out of ideas for useless shit to bolt to a weapons rail or clip on their belt. I thought the scarves were a little much. Now they're wearing dresses. Watch. Some limp wristed four star in Washington will try to make it a military uniform.

Glad I'm fuggin retiring..... NFW....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Actually saw a kilt wearing douchenugget yesterday. Dude had like 2-3 different knives etc. People are retarded. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1432417600.138584.jpg


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Buddy from work is full Scottish, has traced his roots back centuries.... Got married in a kilt, and every guy in the wedding party was wearing one as well in his family clan colors.... He's a power lifter and barrel chested and no one really made fun of him lol....

You wouldn't catch me in one lol.... If I was in the wedding party I'd of been the only one in a suit lol...