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Wow Close call


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Found this picture of someones gun that was shot by another shotgun while hunting.... Don't quite understand the circumstances but ducks were involved, one pulled up to shoot the other was raising their gun and got it into the path of the first while he pulled the trigger.... Like I said it's not really clear but if I get any more info I'll post it.... No injuries but man it could of been ugly....



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Glad too see no injuries but that could of been real bad.... Loosing sight and tunnel vision is a bad thing..... No matter the sport....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I still don't get what happened with what I am seeing in damage. Either way that had to be a MAJOR pucker moment.



*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I bet they were hunting in a duck blind together and as one was shooting the other's muzzle got in the way.

Yesterday I was at my friend's house, he's doing some taxidermy for me. Anyway a guy comes in and obviously had something wrong with his mouth. My friend said "This is my cousin, he just had an accident with a .40 cal pistol. He was shot in the mouth." I didn't get details about how it happened, self inflicted or if someone else did it. But he had a big scar on his cheek and his jaw was wired shut.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sam you guessed right duck hinting in s blind and got crossed up... and Jim I dont duck hunt I have enough issues with small game to last me a lifetime.....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I can understand how it could happen duck hunting. Especially if they were hunting in a small blind. Things happen quickly, and if everybody's not communicating, something like this could happen. It's always best to have one person running the show and calling the shots.

You also want to establish shooting zones, "hunter A" takes birds in the right hand zone, "hunter B" takes birds in the center zone, "hunter C" takes birds in the left zone, etc. You don't shoot across your zone, and one person is generally in charge of calling the shot. I'm guessing that some lack of communication could've been what happened here.

Glad to hear nobody was hurt. That could've been really bad.