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WTH eats Hedgeapples


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Walking to check a cam the other day I kept seeing these green fluffy piles on top of the snow. They looked almost like a pile of flower petals. It took me a moment to realize it was a dismantled hedgeapple. So WTH is eating hedgeapples?


The Crew
Squirels is the only thing I've seen eat them, just the core though.
I've seen them put them on a picnic table in state parks and put each piece layed out like a fan on the table.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
From google
Chop one in half and you will see a pithy core surrounded by up to 200 small seeds (smaller than sunflower seeds) that are much sought-after by squirrels. Try to harvest these seeds for yourself and you will get a clear understanding of how much the squirrels must like them! In addition to ripping apart the tough, stringy fruit, there is a slimy husk around each individual seed that must also be removed before the seed can be eaten. Nonetheless, Osage Orange trees are a magnet for every squirrel in the neighborhood. They typically sit on the ground at the base of the tree or on a wide branch up in the tree to disassemble their prize, making a big mess in the process. Piles of shredded hedge apple are a sure sign of squirrels in the area.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was like, WTF are hedgeapples??? Looked them up and realized it is what we've always called monkey balls. I'll be damned. Never knew they had a real name. Lol

My mom puts those in the corners of her basement. Says they keep spiders out. Who knows...


Active Member
Norton, OH
I've heard hedge apples and monkey balls both. What I did not know was that was what an osage orange tree was. I hear milo talkin about using it to make bows before, but never knew what it was. There is a whole mess of em in a fencerow at a place where we hunt. It's always the last row to push and when we get to the end, we usually throw a few up to shoot them. Fun stuff.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
As a surveyor, my old man had to know trees to make his living. We worked 30+ weekends a year when I was growing up because he always had side work. I learned a lot about trees when I was a young 'un and I was always fascinated by the osage orange tree. I loved when we worked near one and dad would talk off on one of his walk-abouts looking for a corner. I'd use the machete to cut a big stick, then toss and crack hedge apples until my hands hurt. Lots of osages in the fencelines in WV...


Well-Known Member
I was like, WTF are hedgeapples??? Looked them up and realized it is what we've always called monkey balls. I'll be damned. Never knew they had a real name. Lol

My mom puts those in the corners of her basement. Says they keep spiders out. Who knows...

Yep Cotty, that's what we called them. Must be a hillbilly thing.lol


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So Squirrels... huh.. Cool.. Thanks ;)

Hedge apples
Horse apples
Monkey balls

They are the fruit of the Osage Orange tree.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Osage makes for some good fire wood in the winter too. Stuff burns just as hot as locust. Only thing is you will need a chain sharpener on sight when cutting it. I have seen sparks fly while cutting osage before with a chainsaw, and no there was no fence in the tree.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Been putting them in the basement for years to keep spiders at a minimum. Some people actually pay a Buck a piece for them. I have an area where I pick them up and give them to people who want them get them right after the first frost they drop really good...


Senior Member
I came home from College on a break last year and those were in the basement to keep the spiders away...and here I just thought mom and dad went crazy when I was away geeze

Hunter II

Junior Member
These ladies have been eating them during their midday siesta breaks. If I don't hunt tomorrow afternoon I will see if I can get a pic of them in action.