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WTH eats Hedgeapples

The wood is great in a wood furnace

But never burn it in a fireplace without a good screen
As it pops and throws chunks of burning wood around

In my old house , I burned holes in the rug I placed on the tile floor in front of the fireplace
I thought I droped a ember

2 days later I put more hedge apple on the fire and saw embers fly out and land on the carpet again

And as for why ours chain saws go dull cutting it

I found out the trees draw up fine sand into their trunks as they bring up water

Tough on saws



*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
we hada bunch of them down where I lived in cincinnatti. I havent seen any up here in NE ohio though...

We used to call them monkey balls TOO. We used to use them as balls and hit em with bats at eachother. They are hard to crack open though. You better havea good knife to get through those suckers.