took a track last night that was 33 hrs old with Very little blood. Deer was hit just a touch high but I thought we had a chance of recovery. Tracking conditions are not good with the high temps and dry conditions. Time was not on our side starring down the barrel of 33 hrs plus conditions but we are still expected to preform. The hound and I really had to work as a team to get locked in. He never locked in until last blood. Now there was only 3 drops of blood that I saw in the 150 yards. We got to the last known blood and the hound went right and was more searching than tracking. I worked him back to last blood and he goes the same direction only to lock on like a heat seeking missile. With his nose buried in the ground he led the way and now I put all my trust into him. He led me across 2 small creeks , a gravel drive, 2 bean fields, past a pond and into another small wood lot without missing a beat. We just covered some dirt and I had all confidence in his nose and focus. As we got to the last woods he turned and started into some Very thick nasty head high stuff. Then 5 feet from my hound the buck jumps and blows through the brush. I didn't get the best look at the buck and I was 0nly 10 feet or so from him. Very dangerous. He was a very large buck but I couldn't confirm a hole in him. I do feel confident that this was our target but honestly I cant say I am 100 percent. Now let me back up a min. When we first went into the last wood lot my hound made a check and we were at a property line we couldn't cross. So I took him back to work around the pond we passed. Just to check. we found nothing of interest so I headed back to the last bean field and let him work himself back and lock on to the track again. He took me straight back to the same spot in the small wood lot. At this time we had been within 30 feet of this buck 3 times. When he got to the last spot where he was checking earlier he took the track straight to him. I honestly don't think if this wasn't a wounded deer he would of held that tight that long that many times. Maybe he would if it was Saturday of gun season. The hound did his job and that's all I can ask. This is the real life of tracking! I will keep you updated if this story changes.
It is going to get harder each day for me to get on here as the season progresses. So try not to bash me to Bad.LOL!!!!
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