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Youth hunters


Junior Member
Is a 17 yr old a youth in Ohio I read one part that says yes and another area I read 15 can anyone clear this up for me I've came across some guys willing to let my daughter turkey hunt she is 16 right now and has passsd her hunters safety thanks


I would like to see it moved to 13 for the youth hunt, but get discounted tags up to 17. Now all of you may persecute me for my dislike of the youth seasons


So you'd like to see a bunch of immature kids out hunting by themselves?
If a child is not mature enough to hunt alone it's the parents responsibility to recognize that, no I don't want that obviously, really I wish they had the youth gun season in 2nd week of October and youth turkey 3rd week of march.


I love where they have the youth season now. Deer movement is far better than October and gives kids chances to see something. I'll stand by that even when my kids do not qualify for youth season anymore (which isn't far off).

Yeah I know I am in the extreme minority andyouth seasons give parents/children a great opportunity, I guess deep down I'm just a dick and think we cater to children to much already. Cotty, you and I are arguably around children as much as anyone in the world.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Kids and women are the future of hunting and gun interest. Anything to improve their interest in the sports is to be left alone and increased. Just because there are 1% crooked cheating parents who take advantage to harvest a animal during these youth hunts is no reason to punish the 99% good ones.


Kids and women are the future of hunting and gun interest. Anything to improve their interest in the sports is to be left alone and increased. Just because there are 1% crooked cheating parents who take advantage to harvest a animal during these youth hunts is no reason to punish the 99% good ones.

In all seriousness the rich upper class people are the future to our sport and gun interest, hunting land is in limited supply and simple supply and demand determines price and opportunity. Basically what I am saying is opportunities to hunt are going to continue to diminish greatly because of several land consumption variables. Land conservation is a much greater necessity than keeping children interested in hunting. Hunting is as popular or more popular than ever (Southern States ,Middle West and Rural States), youth season elimination would not lead to the end of hunting, the access to hunting ground with reasonable harvest/sighting expectation without bumping into a crossbow hunter or someone in orange every 50 yards will cause the end of hunting popularity. I know I have a very pessimistic point of view, but introducing kids into hunting that really have no land access or family/close friend network is pointless and counter productive for the rest of us. Hunting is a cut throat money sport, I have absolutely no problem admitting it and see what the future really looks like. I am personally not cut throat and enjoy the fellowship of christian men coming together as much as anyone, I just think we are closer than we think to basically the general population of hunters "fighting over the scraps" and the taking almost all reasonable enjoyment out of the sport.
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I'm the type of person who sees the glass 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty.

Its cool, just realize if you don't own your glass, someone else (maybe a rich lawyer who was introduced to hunting by a youth hunt from suburbs of Cleveland) will eventually buy your delicious drink and you'll be stuck drinking water from the water fountain with hep C.... lol thats a little extreme.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Its cool, just realize if you don't own your glass, someone else (maybe a rich lawyer who was introduced to hunting by a youth hunt from suburbs of Cleveland) will eventually buy your delicious drink and you'll be stuck drinking water from the water fountain with hep C.... lol thats a little extreme.



Junior Member
Is a 17 yr old a youth in Ohio I read one part that says yes and another area I read 15 can anyone clear this up for me I've came across some guys willing to let my daughter turkey hunt she is 16 right now and has passsd her hunters safety thanks

Deer and turkey is 17 but youth waterfowl is 15.
The youth seasons really aren't about parents and kids hunting. Yes they make a large percentage of the hunters that day, but the whole point of a youth day is to maybe get a couple kids out there that wouldn't ordinarily get the chance. The hope is that some elder hunters may take out the neighbor kid or a kid from church. I see it all the time on the PA hunting board I frequent especially for the PA youth pheasant, rabbit, and turkey seasons. I know a buddy of mine has taken several youth hunters out on rabbit hunts on that day. Some of their fathers hunt, but maybe just don't know anything about rabbit hunting.


Junior Member
Thanks for the input fellas , I guess she will get to go to Ohio for Turks and then hunt here in WVA one more year as far as the youth seasons are I like em , wouldnt of made no difference to me I still would of taken mine and taught them just like I was taught at a very young age I take a lot of youths on my leases


Thanks for the input fellas , I guess she will get to go to Ohio for Turks and then hunt here in WVA one more year as far as the youth seasons are I like em , wouldnt of made no difference to me I still would of taken mine and taught them just like I was taught at a very young age I take a lot of youths on my leases

Good luck to your daughter, typically the birds are really active for youth season in Ohio.