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Zero Turns.


Dignitary Member
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Gravely: Engine oil and filter change - 25 hours for break-in, then 100 hours or once per year. Hydraulic system - 75 hours for break-in, then every 400 hours. I will be doing my own first oil change but will likely take it into a dealer for the first hydro service.


Dignitary Member
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Might be getting sooner than later, I find it nuts that they don’t want you to service the hydro transmissions on these things. My right one is not pulling like it should. Gonna see if I can change the fluid. I mean this toro ss5060 only has 1500 hours on it. @hickslawns can you service the commercial ones?

too many hours of hauling my fat ass all over.
They have filters and are able to be serviced. My foreman dropped them off last year and it cost me a mini fortune. Wish I knew he was doing that and I would have done it. At least he was paying attention to the hours and had it done.
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Maybe I need to look again.
Directly from my (maverick) manual yours may be different


Dignitary Member
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When I bought my cub used I changed the oil, hydro fluid, and filters right away. Took me about 2 hours. That fucking hydro filter was speeensive for what it is.


Dignitary Member
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Today was a minor win. Was able to mow some more areas....riding that dirty edge of slippage, sinkage, moving forward while throwing rooster tails without burying her. Before her rinse offView attachment 150660

6-6.5 hrs throughout the week down to 2.5hrs in one session is just what the doc ordered!
This summer you should plant some of that open space to a pollinator plot and cut down on your total mowing acres. 2.5 hrs may seem like a win now… but before long even that will turn into a hassle. Lol


Dignitary Member
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North Central Ohio
Boys will be old enough soon enough. I have a feeling @5Cent enjoys some mowing. Crooked lines by the boys might not cut it?

Guilty, but ruined at an early age. Local landscaping company for 2 summers in HS and 2 golf courses between HS and OU. If it can't be straight plow or planting rows, I'll settle for straight lines, such simple satisfaction!

I love to cut grass, just not enough for a job. 2.5hrs is on the lower end of the spectrum for mowing....hell our simplicity growing up had a 2nd seat so we could ride with mom n dad it took so long with a 60 and 72", just something about it. That said, I'm working with a blank canvas property wise now, it'll be reduced from here on out.