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Team 3


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Have you tried hunting the field edge in hopes of catching a cruising buck?

In open country, that is pretty much all we have to hunt BigSlam. Most "woods" are 5-10acres around here. 20acres of woods is huge to us. Been hitting mainly pinch points, funnels, fence rows and travel routes. Yesterday I hit some fence rows where they connect with CRP fields on either side of the fence rows. Not a buck to be seen yesterday.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I had some great hunts Tuesday and Wednesday. Tons of deer in shooting range, just not quite what I'm looking for. I know with all the does I have underneath me that eventually one of them will start estrus again and pull a big guy in. I've been seeing lots of great young bucks that'll be studs next year and beyond. I had deer under every hunt except my Hardin County hunt last night.


Senior Member
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Had good hunts all weekend. Took a doe from the ground Saturday night at my Hardin County property. Actually seen a 140-150" beast of a 10 point running a herd of does to death. They moved across the road and as I started walking back to my stand a smaller doe and small buck walked right to me so I decided to put more meat in the freezer. Slightly quartering to shot at 18 yards. I think she ran maybe 100 yards total. I had about 24 does and a undetermined sized buck (he came out at dark thirty) eating in cut corn in my stand about a mile down the road from my house. Gonna hit it again this weekend


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
ive been away for a little while i hunted last weekend during the youth season seen a good buck saturday night and sunday night. he was in the same spot. im gonna hunt thursday morning and most of the weekend. gonna try to figure out where i wanna be on monday for the opener, i have all gun week off its an old family tradition we all hunt together that week. good luck and hope everyone has a good thanksgiving.


Senior Member
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Things have been so hectic with family and hospitals lately, I havent had a chance to get on a whole lot, except lunchtime at work. Gun season was a blast with my buddy's. We ran a lot of deer around once we started pushing midweek. I usually push darn near all the time, mainly so it gets done right, and i usually know when/where I will jump deer from. On thursday after one push, I decided I was gonna sit the next one because it's just a small 2 acre briar patch along the road with a couple treelines going out the back. We hadnt been seeing any of our target bucks, which is basically all our group (5-6 guys) was after. At the last minute I said fugg it and decided to push instead. Well, sure enough we finally see a shooter. It's a supert tall, narrow tined 11 point we've watched. He walks right out at the back and stands broadside at 75 yards for my buddy. Sure enough, he misses him twice and he runs for the hills into the promised land (sanctuary) across the road. We later found out his gun was about 8" high at 40 yards:smiley_armscrossed:. We had a couple more chances throughout the week at some shooters bo no one connected. I personally never pulled the trigger other than at some running coyotes at some great distances. We did see more yote than I can ever remember. In all, our group took 2 small 8 points and 4 does. Yesterday I started dropping of some corn and pumpkins near 1 of my stands. Tomorrow Im gonna pile some more of each around there


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good luck thru the remainder of your season Ryan. Do you know if all of your shooter bucks made it through gun season? Any surrounding farms kill any nice ones?

Thoughts and prayers still go out to your father and you and your family.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Good luck thru the remainder of your season Ryan. Do you know if all of your shooter bucks made it through gun season? Any surrounding farms kill any nice ones?

Thoughts and prayers still go out to your father and you and your family.

I only know of one from word of mouth that was killed, and it was the big 8 we called Tank. The old 7 pt is across the road from my one spot in a sanctuary, along with a couple other shooters that came from somewhere. Then about a half mile the other way across a road in another sanctuary is my big 10 pt that disappeared about a week or so before bow season. I believe he came around during rut but I only seen him from about 600 yards for about 5 seconds leaving a heavy creek bottom and sliding into a thicket. My new favorite property I had this year had a decent 9 point, maybe 130", running around. I don't think I mentioned this, but 1 morning in late in November I was in stand about 6:30 a.m when I heard a rifle shot and then a quad shortly thereafter. I hadn't seen a big buck out there since


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That friggin chaps my ass Ryan! Cheaters who think they're deer hunters gotta poach em cuz they suck hunting and can't kill them the legal way. Hope there are a few mature deer still around for you to hunt. Do you think the big buck you nearly stalked up on and killed while locked down with a doe is still around? That was an incredible stalk!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
That friggin chaps my ass Ryan! Cheaters who think they're deer hunters gotta poach em cuz they suck hunting and can't kill them the legal way. Hope there are a few mature deer still around for you to hunt. Do you think the big buck you nearly stalked up on and killed while locked down with a doe is still around? That was an incredible stalk!

He's around. I heard stories of a "New State Record" That some guys were chasing in a very large section about 2 miles down the road:smile: Im guessing it's him. I've heard descriptions that he looks like "that milo hanson's buck" LOL. It is a huge section of hardwoods, treelines, thickets and creek bottom. My guess is it's where he moves after the rut every year. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any of it, or anything even close. The good thing is most of those guys down there couldn't hunt there way back to their trucks, let alone pattern a big deer. I really cant imagine him getting any bigger, as I believe he is a 5.5 year old deer. He's got a mammoth body and a swayed back like an old mule. He'll either die of old age or hit by a car


Dignitary Member
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Stark County
He's around. I heard stories of a "New State Record" That some guys were chasing in a very large section about 2 miles down the road:smile: Im guessing it's him. I've heard descriptions that he looks like "that milo hanson's buck" LOL. It is a huge section of hardwoods, treelines, thickets and creek bottom. My guess is it's where he moves after the rut every year. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any of it, or anything even close. The good thing is most of those guys down there couldn't hunt there way back to their trucks, let alone pattern a big deer. I really cant imagine him getting any bigger, as I believe he is a 5.5 year old deer. He's got a mammoth body and a swayed back like an old mule. He'll either die of old age or hit by a car

What do you think he scores?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
What do you think he scores?

He'll gross into the 160's, probably a bit shy of 170. He would have little to really no deductions at all. I honest to god have never seen a more symmetrical and perfect set of antlers on a living deer. He was just a long main beamed, long tined, perfect 10 point that had perfect split brows on both sides that made him a 12 point. And over 22" wide.

On another note: My buddy calls me last night to tell me he was riding his sled and seen the big old 7 point and 7 does under my stand last night that I've been baiting in. So this morning when I cruised by there I see that he actually drove his fugging snowmobile right along the woods directly under my stand. WTF? I texted him my displeasure and he just said don't worry, they just trotted off, they'll stick around. He's probably right, but the fact that he knew that's the only area I've been baiting, and he decides to ride there when he has 100's of square miles in the area to ride. My other problem is I don't have 4 wheel drive in my truck to park anywhere around there so either Im stealing the wifes Liberty or I have to find someone to drop me off. If it aint 1 thing its another


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
You're buddy should know better than that! If it was his stand and his bait pile I highly doubt he'd have done what he did. Dang!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You're buddy should know better than that! If it was his stand and his bait pile I highly doubt he'd have done what he did. Dang!

No doubt about it. Either he was being a jerk, had a completely boneheaded lapse of judgement, or was simply being inconsiderate. Kinda crappy if you ask me. Good luck Ryan. I am rooting for you bud!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I've been dropping corn off at my "go to" stand for a couple weeks now. Just haven't had the right wind when I've had time. When I do drop bait, they have the ground bare from picking away at it. Wednesday I'll finally have a NE wind. Hoping to make it happen in the snowstorm


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Best of luck this weekend buddy! I ment to put out some corn today, but forgot to pick some up. I'm gonna be a lazy this weekend and stay close to the food! lol