Screw Samsung. I inherited a two year old Samsung french door refrigerator from my mother. At age 3, last summer, the ice maker stopped working, water dispenser is working fine. I had it repaired (replaced the entire ice making unit) by a professional. He told me in no uncertain terms that this would happen again and encouraged me to not fix it and just buy another refrigerator. Since it did not cost me anything, I decided to fix it (just under $800 in total) I had to sign a waiver accepting that they will not warranty the work or the junk ice maker for this Samsung. Ice maker lasted about 4 months and we have been buying bagged ice since. I asked the technician, who did a good job, what he would buy today if he were in the market. He said without blinking a GE or Frigidaire, and LG was getting much better. His reasoning was that GE makes quality stuff, the parts are readily available and everyone works on them, but GE was the brand he did worked on least often. Our Samsung will soon be relegated to the garage as it is a nice unit otherwise. I researched and looked a few including GE, LG and Kitchen-Aid. We getting a GE pretty soon.