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Cotty's Journal


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Went behind the house today with Klay. We saw 7 doe and 2 bedded in front of us at about 50 yards.

Where's the bucks?

Does Seen: 26
Bucks Seen: 5 (1 shooter)
Deer Killed: 1 (5 pt buck by Kody)
Morning Hunts: 2
Evening Hunts: 13
All Day Sits: 0
Total Hunts: 15
Hours on Stand: 35


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hit a new stand this evening. I got in at 3:00 and about 4:00 had two doe mill around at 15 yards. That was it... I really thought I'd see some movement tonight.

Does Seen: 28
Bucks Seen: 5 (1 shooter)
Deer Killed: 1 (5 pt buck by Kody)
Morning Hunts: 2
Evening Hunts: 14
All Day Sits: 0
Total Hunts: 16
Hours on Stand: 39


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I spent today after work moving a stand over a scrape line that is being used by "Brother". I took tomorrow off since we finally got some daytime pics of him. He visited the scrapes at 9:30 this morning. I'm hoping he does the same tomorrow. I originally planned on taking Friday off, but I'm afraid to wait. So, I set my stand up overlooking three of the scrapes (there are 5 in a line) and overlooking a ridge the leads down to a lake crossing. Hopefully "Brother" makes his final mistake.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
F'in A Mike, get it done! That's a dandy buck for sure. Hope he comes back for one last visit tomorrow morning! Shoot straight my friend!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, as promised I called in sick today... shhhhh.
I walked into my stand at 7:10, a good 15 minutes before shooting light, especially with the fog. About 40 yards from my stand I heard commotion running in all directions. I'm not sure how many deer took off, but it didn't sound good.

As the sun came up the fog never lifted. It was tough to see, but around 9:00 I had 3 doe come down the trail I came in on and do their business in the scrapes I'm watching. All 3 doe offered chip shots and hund around as 2 more doe joined from another direction and did their thing in the scrapes as well. At almost 9:30 I had a decent 8 point come in and scurried the doe out iof the area. He freshened all 3 scrapes up and really hammered the one that is about 10 yards from my stand. When I first saw him I was looking through trees and I thought maybe it was "Brother". I had the bow ready and when he showed himself clearly I was severly disappointed. But, he did put on quite a show for me. In fact, at one point I'm pretty sure I could'a jumped on his back. I wish I could've got my phone out to video him.

Around 1:00 I had another doe and a button buck come in. The BB was begging me to shoot him as he stood inches from my bottom step.

The last deer I saw was a doe at 6:00.

All in all it was a good day. I stayed in the stand from sunup to sundown and only got down to take a piss and bury it in the leaves (I forgot a bottle).

Here's the 8 that came in. He posed nicely for the Spypoint.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Awesome, Mike! Sounds like you had a very eventful day in the tree. Keep at it, brother... looks to me like you're pretty close to deflating ol' Brother's lungs!