I never had a doe in bow range in my county the entire first 5 weeks of bow season this year....I went to a different location in Ohio, more south and central and saw more does than I ever thought possible. I think there are pockets of good populations and areas of sparse populations. From what I'm reading here is that we are all in agreement that there is no need for an early muzzleloader season. If you can't seem to fill any tags then you need to try and find multiple hunting locations in different areas of the state or county you live in. To sit here and complain that there aren't enough deer because the state isn't providing them for you is in my opinion making excuses. If your hunting area isn't producing the number of deer you want to see, then go hunt elsewhere......create habitat and food sources.....buy land and manage it for yourself. There are a lot of things the average guy can do to increase his chances no matter what the ODNR decides to do. If you are serious enough about hunting then you will do what it takes to make yourself successful.
I had a big long thing types up but Gern has to be trolling here.