I have a very old single shot 12 guage that was given to me by my Grandpa before he passed this fall. It looks to be in good condition, and I'd like to get it out an go squirrel hunting before the end of January. My only concern is making sure that it's safe to shoot because of the age.
From what little research I've done, the gun isn't a collectable or anything, so the only value would be sentimental. And that is very valuable for me too, so that last thing I want to do is damage the gun if it's not in shootable condition. It might just end up hanging in a display, but it would be nice to take it out for a walk in woods sometime.
Anybody know a good place to have it looked over here in Central Ohio?
I'll snap some pictures & post them up, but the markings on the gun read: Victor Ejector / American Gun Co. New York
Here's some quick info I've come across, which matches up to what my Grandpa told me of this gun...
'American Gun Co' was a house brand of the H&D Folsom Co, a major firearm distributor of the late 1800's through the early 20th century. The guns were made by Crescent Firearms, which H&D Folsom bought c.1922. 'American Gun Co of New York' was a house-brand of Crescent before the Folsom takeover and the 'of New York' was dropped afterwards. The whole nine yards was eventually taken over by Savage.
Victor Ejector would have been made in 1900-1930.