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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Well I made the drive too Canton today since the Niles Gander Mountain didn't have it in stock..... But I found an add in Sundays paper for the Savage Model 220 for 419.99 I called Canton Gander and they said bring the add and they'd match it.... So one of my sons buddies was off today and he went with me.... I had some gift cards from family and friends and I walked out the door with 15.98 still on one of the cards..... Their advertised price was 499.99 on it.... So now all i have too do is save for a few weeks and I should have my leupold 2x7 attatched too it..... Can't wait to shoot it in......

Joe says no one sees the last post on a page so I'll bump it up. Can't wait to see it!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Very nice J! I am sure you will enjoy the heck out of that one. I hear good things about them.

Saddlepants- Couple of beautiful pieces you have! I like the picture as well. Better than my pictures where I flop them out on the carpet and take a picture with my phone. hahaha


central Ohio
Yeah thanks, I made that when I brought them home last year. FB profile pic I was so happy I cried. The story is I had to sell mine years ago. A brand new set of New Vaqueros with extremely close serial numbers...like 7 that at the time I had trouble finding even just a pair in stainless. The guys at Deleware found me this set from two different dealers and I was in buisness. They were drilled and tapped for scope for the off season 5 1/2 inch barrles. But my ex made me sell them when money got tight back when gas first went up to almost $4 a gallon. Move ahead almost five years or so later and I went to watch a local shoot and sat there with tears missing it so much.I still had my shooting horse and for some reason my holsters which were custom made for those guns and me but No way did I have the over a grand to buy a new set and didnt figure I would for a while if ever. I had FB friended a shooter who lost two of his horses over the winter and was not going to ride anymore...they were his best friends. He had told me his guns were for sale and make me a good deal but it was still too much at the time. He told me he would send them to the shoot to look with another guy and I did. BUt I knew it was Impossible to own them and someone else was gonna take them asap that day if I didnt. Then he texted me at the shoot to call him. I did. He asked if I liked them even with a chip in the grip of the one. I told him they were beautiful but. And they were worked and had a lower hammer so they actually way faster than my new set. He told me that out of all the people he met at the shoots I was the one who most helped him learn, loaned him my guns to shoot with and helped him get started. He told me I could have the set for $700 and to go ahead and take them home before someone else did... I could pay him whenever or bit by bit if I had to. WOW really? I barely remember they guy and had NO ongoing relationship after quitting shooting so many years ago. I was afraid to do it and my husband (then BF) was astounded at the generosity and welcomeness of the whole group not to mention (coming from "da hood", lol) that anybody would even consider such a thing. We though hard and Ken said go ahead, take them we will figure something out. I did and two weeks later we met him to pay him all of it from the fact that Ken got a real good few jobs after that and I got a shit load of good tips from clients as well. I guess Karma is a good thing sometimes and these will NEVER be for sale no matter how bad off we get. Even though they are shorter in barrel they still fit my holsters well enough to compete, I just cant hunt with them but thats just fine anyway. Now we couldnt afford my new Gunfighter grips this Christmas but Im hoping for my Bday now, lol. Gunfighter grips in rosewood that are a little thinner and maybe I can make it to level 4 this summer?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
My Gun Porn Pict's have been missing for a while. (had Issues w/ photo bucket)
They are back up and posted in their original thread locations. This thread is worth the revisit anyway you look at it! Outstanding iron through-out all 23 pages.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I have a very old single shot 12 guage that was given to me by my Grandpa before he passed this fall. It looks to be in good condition, and I'd like to get it out an go squirrel hunting before the end of January. My only concern is making sure that it's safe to shoot because of the age.

From what little research I've done, the gun isn't a collectable or anything, so the only value would be sentimental. And that is very valuable for me too, so that last thing I want to do is damage the gun if it's not in shootable condition. It might just end up hanging in a display, but it would be nice to take it out for a walk in woods sometime.

Anybody know a good place to have it looked over here in Central Ohio?

I'll snap some pictures & post them up, but the markings on the gun read: Victor Ejector / American Gun Co. New York

Here's some quick info I've come across, which matches up to what my Grandpa told me of this gun...

'American Gun Co' was a house brand of the H&D Folsom Co, a major firearm distributor of the late 1800's through the early 20th century. The guns were made by Crescent Firearms, which H&D Folsom bought c.1922. 'American Gun Co of New York' was a house-brand of Crescent before the Folsom takeover and the 'of New York' was dropped afterwards. The whole nine yards was eventually taken over by Savage.

Victor Ejector would have been made in 1900-1930.


central Ohio
and just cause somebody got this thread started agin...meet my other GF. Go Ahead laugh at her stunning sense of fashion but dont mistake how good of a team we make when the goin gets rough...:smiley_bril:
Pink Lady.jpg


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice piece SP! Keep a hammerless version on my hip nearly every day. I passed on the pink one though. I ain't no metrosexual queer like Jesse and Beener. lmao