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If you could go back..


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Listen to these guys Taylor. I'll be 30 in September and we have only been out of this trap for a few months now. We made $120K last year (2010) and blew almost all of it. When we started making money, it was so easy to spend it and we lived like that for 5 years. Sure we own a house, vehicles, and the like, but we could have a much nicer house or even be looking at making an upgrade soon. Those 5 years of frivolous spending left me with one hell of a collection of hunting gear and stories of wild, careless weekends. But it did nothing to better my future. Now more than ever, you need to bank that coin...

That's always been a big problem I've had, I always blow money and I'm terrible at saving up, now I've gotten better this year with the mowing but I didnt save enough to make it through the winter..thankfully I'm working this weekend at the sportsman club. But anyhow, thats the MAIN thing my parents have preached to me..save save save.


Staff member
That's always been a big problem I've had, I always blow money and I'm terrible at saving up, now I've gotten better this year with the mowing but I didnt save enough to make it through the winter..thankfully I'm working this weekend at the sportsman club. But anyhow, thats the MAIN thing my parents have preached to me..save save save.

Listen to them dude. My dad was the same way and it pushed me to be 180 the other direction. We're not hurting right now (the $120K was the result of a bonus, a once in a lifetime bonus and I blew it) but we could be doing much better than we are. The biggest thing I can preach is to avoid credit cards at all costs. That is our biggest down fall and once I would love to take back. I pay the big banks each month and its a kick in the dick when I crunch the numbers. I could have afforded a $250K house at 26 if we did not have credit card debt. Instead, we had $140K to play with. That's real money my friend. Learn to save and it will take care of you in the long run far better than spending money ever will!!!


Tatonka guide.
here is another tip...STAY AWAY FROM LEECHING WOMEN... find a woman that is established in a profession or a professional. Seriously they will make your life hell. There are lots of women out there looking for a tit to suckle off of. the "goods" might be good but in the long run your setting yourself up for a hard road. You will want to find one that is motivated and has goals herself. Date a lot of women...You don't have to settle for anything your not happy with in a woman. Its a BIG ocean out there. Watch what happens to the popular chicks in your class in 5 years...your gonna have some laughs..


Staff member
here is another tip...STAY AWAY FROM LEECHING WOMEN... find a woman that is established in a profession or a professional. Seriously they will make your life hell. There are lots of women out there looking for a tit to suckle off of. the "goods" might be good but in the long run your setting yourself up for a hard road. You will want to find one that is motivated and has goals herself. Date a lot of women...You don't have to settle for anything your not happy with in a woman. Its a BIG ocean out there. Watch what happens to the popular chicks in your class in 5 years...your gonna have some laughs..


So, so true...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
here is another tip...STAY AWAY FROM LEECHING WOMEN... find a woman that is established in a profession or a professional. Seriously they will make your life hell. There are lots of women out there looking for a tit to suckle off of. the "goods" might be good but in the long run your setting yourself up for a hard road. You will want to find one that is motivated and has goals herself. Date a lot of women...You don't have to settle for anything your not happy with in a woman. Its a BIG ocean out there. Watch what happens to the popular chicks in your class in 5 years...your gonna have some laughs..

Psh I got women all over me already Milo, I wont have and problems there lol. lmao. In all seriousness, I know already that women are expensive, and can be a royal pain. And about the popular chicks, i'm already ready to start laughing about how they end up..same with the hardasses and druggies..have fun out there guys! hahah


central Ohio
Im gonna repeat this just cause....My husband and I are taking online courses on Govt grants. No money out of our pockets. Plenty of time to keep a full time job (in his case) and still get those college prerequisites out of the way while deciding on a pathway. We have a pathway but you dont need one right away. Actually a little extra money in our pockets because we only have to take a few courses to keep getting the grants which covers those few days off the payroll needed for exams and such. We still seem to have enough left over to "blow" or pay a bill with, lol. all those credits stay with you should you decide to go at it full time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Listen to them dude. My dad was the same way and it pushed me to be 180 the other direction. We're not hurting right now (the $120K was the result of a bonus, a once in a lifetime bonus and I blew it) but we could be doing much better than we are. The biggest thing I can preach is to avoid credit cards at all costs. That is our biggest down fall and once I would love to take back. I pay the big banks each month and its a kick in the dick when I crunch the numbers. I could have afforded a $250K house at 26 if we did not have credit card debt. Instead, we had $140K to play with. That's real money my friend. Learn to save and it will take care of you in the long run far better than spending money ever will!!!

here is another tip...STAY AWAY FROM LEECHING WOMEN... find a woman that is established in a profession or a professional. Seriously they will make your life hell. There are lots of women out there looking for a tit to suckle off of. the "goods" might be good but in the long run your setting yourself up for a hard road. You will want to find one that is motivated and has goals herself. Date a lot of women...You don't have to settle for anything your not happy with in a woman. Its a BIG ocean out there. Watch what happens to the popular chicks in your class in 5 years...your gonna have some laughs..

Good stuff here. My parents weren't really savers, and I never was either when I was young. I have worked since I was 12 years old, but until 5 years ago I never had a dime to show for it. Whenever I made money, I spent it. That's where my wife came in. She's one of the biggest penny pinchers I know... It drives me absolutely fuckin crazy some times, and it causes arguments between us, but there's no question that I owe my current financial "cushion" all to her. She is motivated, independent, and strives to be successful at whatever she does. Women like this are not the majority, man... So make sure you "test drive" plenty of models before making a true commitment.

Credit cards are not always as bad as people make them to be. A credit card used wisely will help you build upon your credit score, and even afford you some benefits. I've had a Cabela's VISA card since I was in college. I started out with the lowest credit limit they offered. Use it for normal everyday things like gas, groceries, etc... things you'd be using a debit card for anyway... Then just pay it off at the end of each month. The money is getting spent either way, but using the credit card builds my credit, and I earn 1-2% cash back that allows me to buy things from Cabelas throughout the year. Lots of people get into trouble with credit cards, man... but that doesn't mean they're all bad. I'm only 27 and I have a better credit rating than most of the people that I know. I'm sure the student loan debt has something to do with that, but I think the credit card helped a bunch too.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thank Phil, If i do go to college I will be the first one in my family to do so. I've heard over and over that with this terrible economy you won't make it without going to college. But i know this isnt true, both my brothers and my dad make good money with out attenting college..do they bust their asses when they work, yes typically. But they make it. I might have to send ya a PM about how to go about the mowing bizz if this is the route I wanna give a try. Right now, honestly I'm loving life with basketball and my senior year, it's a hell of alot of fun. And I'm trying to focus on just having fun and getting good grades now..but now I need to factor in what to do with life, and it's alot to think about..I've always been one to over anylize and think about things to hard..maybe I just need to let it come to me and roll with the punches.[/QUOTE

Nobody says you can't make it without college. Just know, you have fewer options and expect to bust your butt. Work ethic is not something a college degree will buy. Either you have it or you don't. I see people with degrees and zero work ethic. It shows.

Send me a PM anytime. No worries bud. You are doing the right thing. Have fun your senior year! Enjoy it. Keep your grades up and go out on a high note. Not a thing wrong with this at all!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
The one thing most guys our age look back on their senior year and say is this.....

Knowing what I know now I would love to have that year back, I would bang so many girls it would fall off"

That's about the only look back i got for ya man...

Be safe my friend.
I did do this. I had so many older friends that showed me the way. I was the friend that my buddies asked "you seriously gonna nail that chick? She's a slut." To which I replied "Fugg yea I'm gonna nail her". I seriously nailed so many random chicks and got other favors that it still amazes me most guys don't do it. Cuz now that I'm married, I still look back and get pissed about a few of the ones I didn't nail that I know I could have.

DJK Frank 16

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Hardin County
Not much more to add that hasn't been said. Don't do something that you can't see doing 40 years from now. If you do go to college, have a specific job in mind that the degree will help you obtain. I know so many people that were pushed to go to college, just to obtain a degree that they had no idea how to apply in the job market. I can say that even in some of the factories around here, if you don't have a degree you will get put in the bottom of the barrel and slim chance of promotion, which is sad, but true.

Like JBrown said, credit cards aren't all bad. Get a low limit card as soon as you are out of school. Put a few hundred dollars on it and pay the minimum amount every month, just keep a low balance on it. This will establish you credit which will come in handy down the road when you go to buy a house or car. My wife found this out the hard way. Even though she had a stash of cash in the savings and never had any debt, it actually hurt her when she went to purchase a vehicle because she had zero credit. If it weren't for mine, she would have been stuck.

Last little piece of advice that has helped me out a lot over the years is don't settle for mediocre. Whether it be work/school/whatever, be the best at it. Make yourself stand out as a student and/or employee and it will pay you back a ton in the future. If you are the best worker on the job, when it comes to lay offs or whatever it may be, you will be in a great position.

Best of luck with whatever you decide bud..


Senior Member
Supporting Member
You're a beat Red lol. I'm gonna kinda sit on everything that has been said and take it all in. I've been doing alot of thinking and will continue to do so. Thanks again for all your help guys, it really means alot!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Good stuff here. My parents weren't really savers, and I never was either when I was young. I have worked since I was 12 years old, but until 5 years ago I never had a dime to show for it. Whenever I made money, I spent it. That's where my wife came in. She's one of the biggest penny pinchers I know... It drives me absolutely fuckin crazy some times, and it causes arguments between us, but there's no question that I owe my current financial "cushion" all to her. She is motivated, independent, and strives to be successful at whatever she does. Women like this are not the majority, man... So make sure you "test drive" plenty of models before making a true commitment.

Dude I hear you on that one. I'm not a huge saver but my parents have always pushed me to work harder (and I've taken it always a step further) and to save. I'm not great at saving but the current girlfriend is a huge saver and it's nice. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass and have to say, no no, this is earned money meant to be spent! And then she's ok with spending all of it, lol ... but she is a saver and I can't help but think that that'd be a really nice down the road.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dude I hear you on that one. I'm not a huge saver but my parents have always pushed me to work harder (and I've taken it always a step further) and to save. I'm not great at saving but the current girlfriend is a huge saver and it's nice. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass and have to say, no no, this is earned money meant to be spent! And then she's ok with spending all of it, lol ... but she is a saver and I can't help but think that that'd be a really nice down the road.

Hang on to her, buddy... Sounds like good potential to me.


Senior Member
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Well I've been doing even more thinking, and right ow my major at Hocking is "Wildife Resources Management"..But I'm probly gonna end up changing it to "Fire and Emergency Services" I talked to Dad about it a little bit. It seems like it could be a great career path if I become a Firefighter. Finding a job might be the problem though.but that's with anything. Also, i got a letter from OU-Chillicothe about basketball so I might look into that TOO. Just some new options to play around with.


Staff member
Sounds like you are on the right track Jake. I'll offer this up regarding sports and education...

I turned down two outright scholarships and a third "offer" from a private school (couldn't give athletic scholarships) to play baseball. I did so because I came to the realization that my playing days were best left at the high school level. Could I have played A ball at some point? Maybe. But I would have wasted the best years of my life chasing a pipe dream. OU was a great fit for me on an educational level and on a personal level. It took me a while to realize I had zero regrets about not taking the opportunity to play at the next level, but it was the right choice. That may no be so for you, but make sure to give it some serious thought. College is about education first and all other things second. Adding a sport to the mix really complicates things...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like you are on the right track Jake. I'll offer this up regarding sports and education...

I turned down two outright scholarships and a third "offer" from a private school (couldn't give athletic scholarships) to play baseball. I did so because I came to the realization that my playing days were best left at the high school level. Could I have played A ball at some point? Maybe. But I would have wasted the best years of my life chasing a pipe dream. OU was a great fit for me on an educational level and on a personal level. It took me a while to realize I had zero regrets about not taking the opportunity to play at the next level, but it was the right choice. That may no be so for you, but make sure to give it some serious thought. College is about education first and all other things second. Adding a sport to the mix really complicates things...
Kinda reminds me of that song "What I almost was" by Eric Church lol! Thats really something I hadn't thought about yet. But makes alot of sense. Sure, I love basketball and I would love to play it at the next level, but not if it affects my education or major. I completely understand what you're saying, and it definitly makes sense. Thanks Jesse.