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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%


*Supporting member*
Deer populations have pockets.. So if marietta and Columbus are the same size in sq ft, should they have the same amount of police officers?

Good point...maybe the state should issue special urban doe permis?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Good point...maybe the state should issue special urban doe permis?

Mike Rex.. 2005 interview for Game And Fish Magazine Titled ""Urban Deer Hunting In Ohio: A 2005 Update""

""Rex noted that age is the most important factor in trophy potential, and that chances for bucks to grow large racks are greater in most urban areas, owing to the lack of hunting pressure.""


So care to explain to me how issuing permits in areas lacking hunting pressure do a bit of good? Issue a 1,000 of them.. So what.. You said yourself there will be older deer which also implies more deer... Urban areas are lacking opportunity through access in any volume that would matter... Unlike other areas in Ohio that have opportunity through access like Ohhhhhh I don't know Southern Ohio and are being decimated. The problem is in huntable areas, not unhuntable limited access areas where ole mossy horns grows..
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Staff member
And and I'm pretty sure Jesse was trying to kill does in the same place he claims the deer herd to be decimated.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong Mike. So I guess we have moved on to "slander" and mud slinging tactics now? All on behalf of your buddy Tonk. Nice. Real nice...
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Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm pretty sure you're wrong Mike. So I guess we have moved on to "slander" and mud slinging tactics now? All on behalf of your buddy Tonk. Nice. Real nice...

It's an argument tactic commonly used in politics called character assassination.. It's used when you can't factually prove your point but your opponent has, so you attempt to attack the credibility of the opposition in an effort to make them appear untrustworthy.. It's mainly a last ditch effort to interject confusion in the debate after the truth is obvious..
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Staff member
It's all you have left after the truth is obvious.. It's an argument tactic commonly used by the left called character assassination.. It's used when you can't factually prove your point, so instead you attempt to attack the credibility of the opposition..

It's not the first time Mike Rex has thrown me under the bus, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised...


*Supporting member*
It's not the first time Mike Rex has thrown me under the bus, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

Throw YOU under the bus??? In 7 years of reading these forums that might be the most laughable post that I've read. How many times have I shown up on a forum that you thought I wasn't reading to find you talking shit about me???? Of all people...you!!!

Go back and read your posts. You've been blaming the DOW for a lack of deer in your area and starting threads about wounding does at the same place at the same time.


*Supporting member*
It's an argument tactic commonly used in politics called character assassination.. It's used when you can't factually prove your point but your opponent has, so you attempt to attack the credibility of the opposition in an effort to make them appear untrustworthy.. It's mainly a last ditch effort to interject confusion in the debate after the truth is obvious..

Actually Joe it's a response to an old parenting tactic called "do as I say, not as I do."
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Staff member
Throw YOU under the bus??? In 7 years of reading these forums that might be the most laughable post that I've read. How many times have I shown up on a forum that you thought I wasn't reading to find you talking shit about me???? Of all people...you!!!

Go back and read your posts. You've been blaming the DOW for a lack of deer in your area and starting threads about wounding does at the same place at the same time.

My how short your memory is Mike!

I've never said the lack of deer is evident every place I hunt. Of the four properties where I spend the majority of my time, the smaller two ones are still in the black. The two larger ones have taken a noticeable nose dive in the past 2-3 years. The doe I killed this year was essentially in an "urban" area. The one I wounded, lives in a similar area. Limited access and next to no pressure has allowed those two small parcels (10 acres and less) to maintain a decent herd. However the larger farms are overrun with coyotes, poaching, and party hunting. I set up a moratorium on these two properties beginning in November after realizing what was going on.

You think you have me all figured out Mike, but you're barking up the wrong tree. This vendetta with the DNR is not just a personal thing, I'm also in this for all the people who are effected by a dramatic decrease in the deer herd around here. You can keep trying to throw sand in the gears and you can keep making attempts to discredit me, but I'm not going anywhere...


Staff member
Oh and for the record, it was you who got my pee pee whacked in front of a group of trusted friends after the last BEC shoot I was involved in. You torched a bridge that day that'll never be rebuilt. Not that it matters to ether of us...
This vendetta with the DNR is not just a personal thing, I'm also in this for all the people who are effected by a dramatic decrease in the deer herd around here. .
Good statment..
Oh and for the record, it was you who got my pee pee whacked in front of a group of trusted friends after the last BEC shoot I was involved in. You torched a bridge that day that'll never be rebuilt. Not that it matters to ether of us...
Wish i knew the details there


Staff member
Wish i knew the details there

We don't need to go completely down the road. But if Mike wants to act like he's never done anything to cause me some heart burn, then he obviously needs his memory refreshed...

At the end of the day, none of this matters in the overall scheme of things. We all know Mike is buddies with Tonk and so any perceived "attack" on Tonk is gonna prompt Mike to lash out. We've seen that from Day 1 and it is evident once again. I'm going to stick to arguing the facts and leave Tonk out of it from now on. At least then it won't give Mike the ammo he needs to go after me on a personal level...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Easy guys... We all want the same thing here. We all want our deer hunting to be enjoyable. Some just have different opinions about what makes it enjoyable, who's to blame if it's not, and how it should be handled if things need to be changed. There's no reason for personal attacks here.

Jesse, no offense dude but in Mike's defense, I was sort of thinking the same as he in regards to the "do as I say, not as I do" examples. I have read your threads about having a difficult time connecting with a doe because there are no deer left, only to then read about how you're going to give up bowhunting and you could "kill does whenever you need to with a gun." Maybe I was not paying close attention, but I did not realize you have been talking about different properties this whole time. Like I said, I'm not trying to offend you here... just saying that maybe your explanations weren't quite as clear as you thought they were.

We're all outdoorsmen (and women) here... We all share the same passion in deer hunting. Let's try to keep all this in mind.


Senior Member
Jim, you now are gonna get your pee pee spanked for that comment.

Heres the way I see it folks.....If you dont think there are enough deer then there is only one thing you can do....STOP SHOOTING THEM! No ifs ands or buts....If ya didnt have extra money would you go buy a new car????? Resorting to shooting button bucks is not a logical practice either....Because then you just took one buck from your herd that could have been your shooter in 3 or 4 more years....

Everyones taste is different..I dont have to see deer every sit...Some do..but what I do know is, if I felt I wasnt seeing the deer I was in the past, I would implement changes to my practices to counter it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Jim, you now are gonna get your pee pee spanked for that comment.

Heres the way I see it folks.....If you dont think there are enough deer then there is only one thing you can do....STOP SHOOTING THEM! No ifs ands or buts....If ya didnt have extra money would you go buy a new car????? Resorting to shooting button bucks is not a logical practice either....Because then you just took one buck from your herd that could have been your shooter in 3 or 4 more years....

Everyones taste is different..I dont have to see deer every sit...Some do..but what I do know is, if I felt I wasnt seeing the deer I was in the past, I would implement changes to my practices to counter it.

Zach.. You are one person.. You do not have the power to influence that on any significant level. Good luck getting enough people to follow this logic that it makes a positive impact...... If I could get every person on this site to agree to never shoot another doe it wouldn't change a dang thing in the overall scope of the population.. If hunters as a whole we're capable of doing what you just proposed we wouldn't need the ODNR at all.. They could close up shop and make hunting a free for all, and according to your logic we would be just fine.. It just doesn't work that way buddy.. We NEED the ODNR to enforce rules that conserve the population.. "We" as hunters reduce populations, not grow them.. What you're saying makes about as much sense as saying "Raise the buck limit to 6, I'm sure hunters will police themselves and do what's right for the deer".. You might Zach, but you know the overwhelming majority will not... That line of thinking is a pipe dream and full of fairy dust.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Jim, you now are gonna get your pee pee spanked for that comment.

Heres the way I see it folks.....If you dont think there are enough deer then there is only one thing you can do....STOP SHOOTING THEM! No ifs ands or buts....If ya didnt have extra money would you go buy a new car????? Resorting to shooting button bucks is not a logical practice either....Because then you just took one buck from your herd that could have been your shooter in 3 or 4 more years....

Everyones taste is different..I dont have to see deer every sit...Some do..but what I do know is, if I felt I wasnt seeing the deer I was in the past, I would implement changes to my practices to counter it.

While I don't disagree with you, I will pose a question. Do you honestly think if Joe Blow and Joe Blow only was to start passing on deer because he is seeing less, that it would truely make a difference? If he is hunting a very large farm where he can control the herd, then possibly, but how many people have 500+ acres strictly to themselves. It's easy to say, "If you think the population is dwindling, then don't kill anything," but one person isn't gonna make a difference. If we had enough people in this state that that cared and had the knowledge to self-regulate when it came to managing the herd, we wouldn't need bag limits. But sadly, there are people out there that assume since they can legally kill 6 deer in Zone C, that they can do this for 10 years and expect things to be as good as they were before. Too many people have to rely on the on those bag limits to govern how many they kill strictly because they have no idea about the deer population, or maybe they just don't care.

Bottom line is everyone needs to work together on this of you wanna see something changed. Bickering amongst yourselves and throwing harsh insults at one another isn't gonna solve anything, it's just gonna make you all look like fools. Get your facts together and present them with the numbers and ask them to explain. Don't go in looking for a battle, go in looking for a resolution.