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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%


Senior Member
Show me where I said you don't work your ass of for it or shoot fish in a barrel????

The post above is in reference to not being able to shoot what's not there.

If property has nothing to do with it and you are so awesome I have one in vinton county you can hunt.

Better yet. I'll pay your dues there and you can have free reign of all 1,000 acres of prime whitetail habitat all season. All I ask for is the same in return. What do you have to lose? You work your ass off and the property has nothing to do with it right... Should be able to drag a P&Y out of there before gun season. I on the other and at your place will likely be staring at leaves right?

Nobody has ever said you don't earn every buck you kill and it's as easy as shooting fish in a barrel... But on the other hand Nobody is dumb enough to believe the quality of the property has ZERO to do with it either.

For one, I opened the invite to you before...and you know it....I am not saying I am great by any means, but they dont jsut fall in my lap....I mess up more than I do things right..We all make mistakes...But I am positive that if I lived in VC and had bucks of the caliber I wanted to kill, I would have just as good of chance of killing them as I do here. I agree, if one isnt there than you cant kill it.....Who here are you referring to that doesnt have one available???

Property quality is a lot of it.....but killnig a 2.5 or 3.5 isnt the same as killing a 4.5+ y/o deer. Anyone who thinks it is, IS DUMB! THen again, I wouldnt shoot a deer on your property I wouldnt shoot on any of mine....So im not interested in P&Y only animals....

Remember, it doesnt matter if there are ten deer or 6 deer in an area, you can still kill 4. you said it....Just so happens one of the four will be a good buck.....:smiley_crocodile:
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
X-2 Brock.........



Senior Member
Just be thankful you didn't hunt up there back when my dad and grandpa did.. Seeing a deer was a rarity.. Game birds galore though... I had, and have a ton of relatives up there. One of two big bucks I have had a chance of shooting and messed up on, was within a stones throw from the Tuscy river. Having hunted both Tusc., and Wash. county, they are not the same..... Not just my thinking, the numbers show it too.

I would gladly give up my deer for the chance to chase ruffed grouse......Your father and grandfather were lucky men...... It is a known fact that any of the properties boardering the tusc river are hot spots...



You put me on that property your referng to in Vinton county this season and ill put a 140 or better buck on the ground.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

You put me on that property your referng to in Vinton county this season and ill put a 140 or better buck on the ground.

Prolly so. I personally respect the hell out of how you hunt. But That's a little harder man. See I might can get a flatlander as they call em on the property. But I seriously doubt a non resident will fly... And I don't know how to say this. Just know i personally mean nothing by it.. But have you seen pictures of the cabin I've posted. It's the lease presidents. And has no less than 6 confederate flags on the porch and probably a half dozen more inside. They aren't exactly there for the ambiance.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
For one, I opened the invite to you before...and you know it....I am not saying I am great by any means, but they dont jsut fall in my lap....I mess up more than I do things right..We all make mistakes...But I am positive that if I lived in VC and had bucks of the caliber I wanted to kill, I would have just as good of chance of killing them as I do here. I agree, if one isnt there than you cant kill it.....Who here are you referring to that doesnt have one available???

Property quality is a lot of it.....but killnig a 2.5 or 3.5 isnt the same as killing a 4.5+ y/o deer. Anyone who thinks it is, IS DUMB! THen again, I wouldnt shoot a deer on your property I wouldnt shoot on any of mine....So im not interested in P&Y only animals....

Remember, it doesnt matter if there are ten deer or 6 deer in an area, you can still kill 4. you said it....Just so happens one of the four will be a good buck.....:smiley_crocodile:

I'll say this with no expectations you will ever agree, because you will not likely find yourself in the situation. The size of the deer that trips a hunter's trigger is all relative. I shot one of the smaller bucks I've tagged in years this season. He was nice, but probably only 130 or so...short tined, don't honestly know as I didn't measure him. Anyway, that deer had me grabbing my bow as soon as I saw him. I knew it was likely the best deer I'd have an opportunity at all season. Conversely, I have had the good fortune of hunting areas where I wouldn't have shot a 150...well, I may have, but regardless, I let a half dozen deer larger than the one I killed this year walk. It IS all relative. I would venture to say if you spent four or five years hunting the lease in VC with Joe, a PY buck would look pretty darn good!



Your in a tough situation..Thats why i dont like leases. There might be things occuring that are totally out of your control. For example, You probably cant hunt where you want unless you would infringe and someone's "Spot". I would firmly beleive you would have better success on the state forests in your county..Why?..Because you would be free to hunt where ever you wanted compared to your lease where everyone has their claimed so called "spot". I actually think that lease is hurting you.

Each year..I have 20,000 acres to find and hunt down a mature buck. I couldnt imagine being detained to a small property. 20,000 acres will always provide oppurtunities at mature bucks. The odds say so.
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Senior Member
I'll say this with no expectations you will ever agree, because you will not likely find yourself in the situation. The size of the deer that trips a hunter's trigger is all relative. I shot one of the smaller bucks I've tagged in years this season. He was nice, but probably only 130 or so...short tined, don't honestly know as I didn't measure him. Anyway, that deer had me grabbing my bow as soon as I saw him. I knew it was likely the best deer I'd have an opportunity at all season. Conversely, I have had the good fortune of hunting areas where I wouldn't have shot a 150...well, I may have, but regardless, I let a half dozen deer larger than the one I killed this year walk. It IS all relative. I would venture to say if you spent four or five years hunting the lease in VC with Joe, a PY buck would look pretty darn good!

I completely agree with that statement brock. I am not unable to reason... By the way, comgrats on your buck, I saw it on your facebook and never congratulated you on it... Im not saying I wouldnt shoot a 130 if I were put in that situation for an extended period of time....But I have a mindset for shooting a certain sized deer....I have goals, and I will meet them or I will fail tryinhg really damn hard..... I also agree, you hunt what is available..


Senior Member
Prolly so. I personally respect the hell out of how you hunt. But That's a little harder man. See I might can get a flatlander as they call em on the property. But I seriously doubt a non resident will fly... And I don't know how to say this. Just know i personally mean nothing by it.. But have you seen pictures of the cabin I've posted. It's the lease presidents. And has no less than 6 confederate flags on the porch and probably a half dozen more inside. They aren't exactly there for the ambiance.

Hey hey...You watch that flatlander talkrotflmao......ha I cut my teeth in Woodsfield ohio on a family farm....Im no stranger to Egypt Valley either....


Tatonka guide.
Lying about what? I have no reason to doubt anyones observations about deer and deer sightings....
about herd size....I am more concerned with the fact we are 40 years into wildlife management and we now have this revelation that what we have done is all wrong now. Joe pointed it out very well earlier a page or so back that if we ( the website members) subscribed to the Kaiser method of not shooting any does if were not seeing them we would actually have some kind of effect on the herd size. We would not have that effect because we have been mislead into the abyss of whitetail management...


Not seeing deer doesnt mean they dont exist..and it doesnt mean the spot sucks...It just means they havent arrived yet.

Thats how i approach deer hunting.


Senior Member
about herd size....I am more concerned with the fact we are 40 years into wildlife management and we now have this revelation that what we have done is all wrong now. Joe pointed it out very well earlier a page or so back that if we ( the website members) subscribed to the Kaiser method of not shooting any does if were not seeing them we would actually have some kind of effect on the herd size. We would not have that effect because we have been mislead into the abyss of whitetail management...

IF the overall goal we would like is to increase the herd, then how is it to be obtained? Do we need to state to make a law so that we no longer over harvest? Its kinda like driving on a curvy road when its icy out whose speed limit is normally 55. Are you still gonna drive 55 even though its icy???



Think about it..The longer a hunter sits without seeing deer only increases his odds to see deer.

If i sit 3 days dark to dark and not see a deer, Im on full alert from that time on. My odds are increasing the longer i sit.

Thats how i approach deer hunting.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not seeing deer doesnt mean they dont exist..and it doesnt mean the spot sucks...It just means they havent arrived yet.

Thats how i approach deer hunting.

What if they stop arriving over a period of years? What if you quit waiting for their arrival and seriously go looking for them and can't jump one, or even find more than a handful of tracks where there used to mud trails? Do you at some point come to the realization that they are simply not there or just continue to wait? Can you still blame the moon when you hunt at least a portion of every day of the month? What if everyone you know in the area that used to kill deer with regularity starts saying they can't find any?

This isn't a problem caused by hunters forgetting how to hunt, or acorns, or standing corn. I've killed em off acorns, and in standing corn, on sunny days, in rain, and even horizontal snow storms. If they aren't coming to me, I'll sneak up on 'em and shoot them in their bed. You can't do any of that when there aren't any, you just spend hours and hours looking, snooping and hoping. It gets beyond frustrating, to the point of realizing the futility. Then you develop a disdain for the folks that caused your most enjoyable pursuit to become a vision quest, and you want to tell them where they can stick their BS press releases about our thriving deer herd. It's because you can still recall how much fun it used to be, and their mismangement is the reason it is just boring and frustrating.

But, next year, I'll again be setting there waiting. Hoping the aliens that took the deer will bring them back.