I'm a terrible caller, my success usually comes from being close to the roost at fly down.
Its really not about private/public ..its more about High/low pressure.
I know from experience that if a bird begins to Gobble on the ground every 5 or 10 minutes he is exposing himself and he can pretty much expect a hunter to hear him. If Gobbling attracts hunters/danger, then i would suspect pressured birds to become conditioned..Thus making them more difficult to put a tag on.
Hey mike, if they can not learn from mistakes, why is it one of the spots we used to hunt, they "knew" to look up at a tree we deer hunted in? We witnessed them doing it out of a ground blind, so it could not be they saw something up there..
I really think what sinks most turkey hunts is not calling too much or too little. I really think it is simply a matter of being seen. I say that only because after hunting them for years from a blind with a bow, I can count on one hand the number of times I have not had turkeys within range. Some days, when I was easily bored, I called a lot. Others, when I was sleepy or busy reading, I called very little. Turkey tend to find their way into the company of other turkeys. Some days they want to run in, and some days they just show up as if they could care less about ever getting anywhere other than where they are already standing. I used to think turkeys were difficult - perhaps even somewhat savy. Now, I think they are about the dumbest animal in the woods, with a very keen sense of sight. If you can hide, and stay put, call a little or a lot, and turkeys will show up....but it is mighty boring at times to wait them out, and usually not worth it to me these days.
If i knew how to put a sound file on here, i would post up how i call and what i sound like..I only use a box call but i run it like no other.
Turkeys have several natural enemies from above like hawks and owls. They are always looking up...was there a stand in that tree?
I agree with most of what rex has stated.. However..I disagree on the publicland portion. Ive Hunted on public and ive hunted on private and i do see a difference. It is 10x harder to take spring birds on the public. Its not the fact that the gobblers are smarter..that i do agree...but rather its the interruption by other hunters is what makes it so difficult. Give me a peice of public that has zero pressure and you will find great and successful hunting..however..this scenerio is a rarity. The reason privateland is much more conducive in killing spring gobblers is the low pressure factor.
Its fairly simple..The key to a succesful spring gobbler without haveing to ambush the bird is low hunter pressure. Pressure and hunter disturbance are the main factor for poor spring bird hunting. The more disturbance there is in the woods by hunters the poorer /tougher the hunting becomes with spring birds.
If a statement is written indicating publicland birds are no harder to kill then privateland birds then i question the writer and his /her experience.