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Turkey Killing Tips

Wiley E Coyote

Active Member
Turkey killing for me is about adapting to what ever it takes to legally tag your bird. Some are hot and come running in. Some you wait out. Some you move toward. Some you ambush with out making a sound and others you call your head off or not so much. It's about using your gut and instincts as a predator that makes a hunter woodsman successful in my eyes. So be if it's sitting in a blind or running and gunning or in-between I work hard at it loving and enjoying every moment of it myself. Thank God it's spring!

Wiley E Coyote

Active Member
Out scouting again today. Not sure we will be able to see a turkey in most of the places I walked by the time season gets here. Bush honeysuckle is wasting no time getting green. Leave that extra full choke at home and screw in a improved cylinder 🤣 really not that funny

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason and I were listening at first light. We heard four or five gobblers. Hard to really say for sure because there was a clump of them together and a couple stragglers a little farther off. And it was cold! If I decide to kill a bird this year it will likely be in self defense or after he proves himself too dumb to survive on his own. At this point I plan to pop a blind where I can listen to them daily on the roost and call it good. If one happens to get in gigging range before I head to work, that will be his fault. 😁


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
If you build it, they will come
