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How many years have you hunted Turkeys

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
This will be my 21st year chasing turks. Im really not sure how many I've killed but I hope this will be the best season yet as my son will be going after his first and we are so freaking pumped for next Sat!! Been taking him out before school to listen. They were fired up yesterday in our area!!


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
All my life Darron...men have wanted to be like me and women have wanted to be with me...:smiley_crocodile:

Who ever said I wanted to be like you? Frankly, I laugh at all the people that kiss your ass all the time on these various websites. rotflmao
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Who ever said I wanted to be like you? Frankly, I laugh at all the people that kiss your ass all the time on these various websites. rotflmao

Mike this...Mike that...who gives a F.......you put your pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. Sure you are a decent deer and turkey hunter...I'll give you that. But that's the extent of it.....

Dang Darron, I don't know Mike that well, but I think he was trying to make a joke here......thus the smiley crocodile


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
What's a turkey???? One go these years I will try it, wouldn't have the slightest clue to start up now. Have to research it first.

You need to get with an expert.......... Many will claim to be an expert, but there is only one.... find him.....seek his guidance...and you my friend will then be turkey killing machine.


*Supporting member*
Why the edits Darron? And for the record, I put my pants on 2 legs...then 1...at a time...:smiley_crocodile:


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio

I don't sugar coat things...never have never will. Your previous post was very arrogant. Plain and simple. Who jokes about that? I've never met you before and I'm sure you're a nice guy, but on the internet you come off as better than everyone else. I know people think it (had PMs before about it), but for whatever reason they don't voice it......I will.

Just gets old seeing everyone kiss your behind because you kill big deer and supposely shoot a turkey everytime out. Great....happy for you.....but don't come off as being better than everyone else in the hunting world. You may say you don't, but you do. If anyone else says anything different they are either too caught up in your BS to know any better or they are lying. Sure you're a good hunter, I'll give you that, but be humble about it and don't beat your chest so much.

I've said my peace....... Looking forward to seeing your turkey pics this year
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

I don't sugar coat things...never have never will. Your previous post was very arrogant. Plain and simple. Who jokes about that? I've never met you before and I'm sure you're a nice guy, but on the internet you come off as better than everyone else. I know people think it (had PMs before about it), but for whatever reason they don't voice it......I will.

Just gets old seeing everyone kiss your behind because you kill big deer and supposely shoot a turkey everytime out. Great....happy for you.....but don't come off as being better than everyone else in the hunting world. You may say you don't, but you do. If anyone else says anything different they are either too caught up in your BS to know any better or they are lying. Sure you're a good hunter, I'll give you that, but be humble about it and don't beat your chest so much.

I've said my peace....... Looking forward to seeing your turkey pics this year

Is he going to need to post the 25 turkeys or so that die due to him, or just the ones he shoots?


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
"Teaching...the profession for those who can't do it...if you can't do it, teach it!"

Nice quote Mike......be sure to tell your son's teachers that the next time you talk to them or go into a conference. I have really lost all respect for you now....not that I had much before.
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Junior Member
East Ohio
Been hunting turks since 1985. 21 gobblers since then. I don't want to spend $72 a year on permits.
Things were tough in the 80's unless you woke up at midnight to get to southern Ohio before dawn.
Fall birds are too easy when you have prime private property. but even "lease hunters" trespassing make spring birds difficult.


*Supporting member*
"Teaching...the profession for those who can't do it...if you can't do it, teach it!"

Nice quote Mike......be sure to tell your son's teachers that the next time you talk to them or go into a conference. I have really lost all respect for you now....not that I had much before.

Trust me, teachers hear this from me all the time. My wife has a degree in education. One of my business partners is a finance professor here at Ohio University. Thankfully, they're a little more in tune with a some good natured ribbing.

I apologize if my attempt at humor flew over your head. I thought the post about me rarely carrying a gun would help to explain my high success rate. I honestly don't think my fan club is all that large on this message board. As for the PM's, I hear what you're saying. I get a lot of them also from guys who, for whatever reason, don't want to speak their minds in an open forum. I find it strange as the vast majority of these people are anonymous anyway.

On a serious note, if you think before you type, it will save you a lot of time with editing...or maybe you're like me and can't spell for shit.