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The TOO dump thread


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Yea but I am 50 years old, come on........................Kid was a Tard. I could see it if I was looking like Joe but I am weathered and have been rode hard.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I am so fucking pissed off tonight I am ready to .................fuck it! Fucking Ex wife and her fucking body building and hope she shits her pants! I told my daughter I would send her $190.00 to cover some cost on her car............fast forward I had to pay her $1,000.00 for college room and board, $20,000.00 for my taxes. Spoke to Vanessa two days ago and told her I bought you a car, paying college and now your Mom is on me!!!! Fuck I don't even have to do it. This is not abought my daughter, this is the EX that keeps hounding me. Ex Wife textes me and said I was a fat fuck and needs to go to the Gym!!! Cunt!!!!! She even said I was herassing her and called me a DICK! Oh and I did send the $190.00 but the freaking college put it towards her college degree.


*Supporting Member*
I am so fucking pissed off tonight I am ready to .................fuck it! Fucking Ex wife and her fucking body building and hope she shits her pants! I told my daughter I would send her $190.00 to cover some cost on her car............fast forward I had to pay her $1,000.00 for college room and board, $20,000.00 for my taxes. Spoke to Vanessa two days ago and told her I bought you a car, paying college and now your Mom is on me!!!! Fuck I don't even have to do it. This is not abought my daughter, this is the EX that keeps hounding me. Ex Wife textes me and said I was a fat fuck and needs to go to the Gym!!! Cunt!!!!! She even said I was herassing her and called me a DICK! Oh and I did send the $190.00 but the freaking college put it towards her college degree.

Damn Jeff, I hear ya.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
well had my Dr. appointment today to follow up my MRI on my shoulder, I have a partially torn rotator cuff, a bone spur impinging on the tear, ( which they say was not caused by the injury) and tendonitis in two of the tendons in my shoulder. What does all this mean? It means the fuggin quack Dr, at workpro is sending me back to work for 2 weeks as before , No use of my left arm, so they can get approval through workers comp to send me to a orthopedic surgeon and physical therapy!!!!!!!! FUGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, It took them almost 2 weeks to approve my MRI, I would really like to get this taken care of this sometime this year!!!!!!!!! I freakin should of just turned this in on my private insurance!! I would of already had surgery and been healing up!! but no I was told to make sure I filled out a accident report at work and was told to get it checked out!!. now I know better!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
daggone that sucks Buckbuster. Sorry to hear it.

My nephew has been up and down a lot the last couple weeks in school. Behaves well at home, but only when he chooses at school. Finished the week okay and had a good weekend. Started to earn some privileges back. Did not earn the privilege to ride the motorcycle this weekend but watched my son ride. He was pumped to learn how to ride it. I made him a deal: Give me 5 straight days in school this week of good behavior and you will learn to ride it next weekend. Goes into school today, gets through the first period okay, and turns into a total butthole the rest of the day. Destroyed a textbook, refused to do any work, and in general was a royal pain for his teachers. Thanks a lot Geoffrey. Way to make a promise to me that you were going to work hard this week and you dicked it up after the first hour. I am telling you, nobody wants to see this boy succeed more than me. Nobody wants to see him riding the dirt bike more than me. I really hate being Uncle Drill Sargent. I will continue to play the role as long as it is needed, but at this rate it is going to be a long week.


Participation Trophy Winner
That's always tough phil, they just don't understand that it pains us more to discipline than let them do as they please.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Ric. It is not just the big things either. Little things keep adding up to the frustration with Geoffrey. I had him ask me if he could have a cookie for a snack last night. Told him "No, I don't think you deserve a cookie after your behavior today." He said ok, but then came down from bed 20 min later and asked for a glass of water. I said that was fine. Get up this morning and there was a cookie missing. I only know because they were just baked and still on the tray. Easy to count. Were they in a cookie jar or something I would have had no clue. I asked him this morning if he took one and he was honest about it. Things like this are tough. He blatantly disobeyed me last night by taking a cookie after being told no. He was honest about it this morning. We really want him to be honest. How do you punish him for disobeying and stealing a cookie when he fessed up this morning? I want him to be honest. He gets away with it and he learns "It is okay to steal a cookie as long as I fess up later." He gets punished and learns "I better lie about it next time so I don't get in trouble for disobeying." Nobody said being a parent was easy.


Staff member
Thanks Ric. It is not just the big things either. Little things keep adding up to the frustration with Geoffrey. I had him ask me if he could have a cookie for a snack last night. Told him "No, I don't think you deserve a cookie after your behavior today." He said ok, but then came down from bed 20 min later and asked for a glass of water. I said that was fine. Get up this morning and there was a cookie missing. I only know because they were just baked and still on the tray. Easy to count. Were they in a cookie jar or something I would have had no clue. I asked him this morning if he took one and he was honest about it. Things like this are tough. He blatantly disobeyed me last night by taking a cookie after being told no. He was honest about it this morning. We really want him to be honest. How do you punish him for disobeying and stealing a cookie when he fessed up this morning? I want him to be honest. He gets away with it and he learns "It is okay to steal a cookie as long as I fess up later." He gets punished and learns "I better lie about it next time so I don't get in trouble for disobeying." Nobody said being a parent was easy.

When I was 8 years old, I was home alone after school for a little bit while my mom was at the store. I was sitting on the shitter playing with a lighter and I caught the TP on fire and it fell on the freshly laid linoleum where it left a nice charred spot. I tried to cover it up with the trash can after I cleaned up. Well my mom found it right away and asked me what happened, my dumbass concocted a story that a spark came out of the heat vent and caught it on fire. Obviously my mom saw through the fib and sent me to my room to await my father. Rather than be smart and confess, I decided to ride the wave I had created. After a solid chastising and stories about how they had bragged on how well behaved I was just that day, I was shown 2 Christmas gifts: My first bow and my first pocket knife. They were taken away as a result of my BS. Then I sat on a chair in the kitchen while my dad when downstairs and made a paddle. I never even had a chance to layer up! lmao

I got my ass beat for the first and only time that day and you know the lesson I learned: Be a better liar!!! :smiley_crocodile:

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Great story Jesse, that one made me laugh!

In honest situations or not, it always amazed me how an older sibling "got off easy" because they went along with the discipline while I and the other stubborn one "got it worse" because we'd argue!


Staff member
It is the sad truth. By the time I was 14 or so, I could play my mother like a fiddle and concoct some whoppers that even the old man bought. I know it was not the lesson he intended to teach me!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Effff me....

Yesterday was busy as hell at work, catching up from the weekend... and today wasn't any different. Only today, I had a little icing to put on the cake. In between inspections, my fuggin exhaust pipe came apart between the muffler and the catalytic converter. Luckily I had a bungee strap in the back of the truck so I could hang it up off the road. But all day driving around I had to be "That Guy" with the shitty sounding loud-ass exhaust. Normally, I'm the guy pointing at these guys saying, "C'mon hillbilly... get your fuggin exhaust fixed." lmao



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Effff me....

Yesterday was busy as hell at work, catching up from the weekend... and today wasn't any different. Only today, I had a little icing to put on the cake. In between inspections, my fuggin exhaust pipe came apart between the muffler and the catalytic converter. Luckily I had a bungee strap in the back of the truck so I could hang it up off the road. But all day driving around I had to be "That Guy" with the shitty sounding loud-ass exhaust. Normally, I'm the guy pointing at these guys saying, "C'mon hillbilly... get your fuggin exhaust fixed." lmao

View attachment 6736

Classic lmao.

Now if you was a real Redneck you would have wired it up with a coat hanger lmao.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Classic lmao.

Now if you was a real Redneck you would have wired it up with a coat hanger lmao.

Sad part is, it came loose a few weeks ago and I DID wire it up! lmao I can only imagine what'll go through the guy's head at the muffler shop tomorrow morning when he sees all the shit holding it up to the frame. lmao


Senior Member
I thought I saw JB tooling through Ravenna today.....damn loud and exhaust pipe dragging again today. :smiley_crocodile:

If it wasn't him it must have been his next of kin.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Some of you know that I'm in the middle of getting a second master's degree, this one in Guidance Counseling. I sat down last night to take my final (doing this online) and the Remote Proctor, which is a camera used for observing me taking the test, would not function properly. It does everything... enters the passwrod for the test, opens the test, monitors the test, etc...
The deadline for taking the final is this evening and I have yet to hear from tech support on the matter. I have a 96% in the class right now and I just need to do decent on the final to get my A. However, I'm now in danger of a zero on my final which will knock me down to an 82%. I know... I know... "B's" get degrees, but it's the principal of the whole thing. I put alot of time in studying and I still want my A. Plus, I have to maintain a 3.0 in the program and you never know when you may run into a buzz saw-of-a-class that could hurt me. I want my A... not the B. It pisses me off because this is out of my hands.
To top it off, my HS baseball team gave away a game yesterday in which we were leading 4-2 in the top of the 7th. It's been a fucked up 24 hours. I need a beer!!!