Yea but I am 50 years old, come on........................Kid was a Tard. I could see it if I was looking like Joe but I am weathered and have been rode hard.
I am so fucking pissed off tonight I am ready to .................fuck it! Fucking Ex wife and her fucking body building and hope she shits her pants! I told my daughter I would send her $190.00 to cover some cost on her forward I had to pay her $1,000.00 for college room and board, $20,000.00 for my taxes. Spoke to Vanessa two days ago and told her I bought you a car, paying college and now your Mom is on me!!!! Fuck I don't even have to do it. This is not abought my daughter, this is the EX that keeps hounding me. Ex Wife textes me and said I was a fat fuck and needs to go to the Gym!!! Cunt!!!!! She even said I was herassing her and called me a DICK! Oh and I did send the $190.00 but the freaking college put it towards her college degree.
Thanks Ric. It is not just the big things either. Little things keep adding up to the frustration with Geoffrey. I had him ask me if he could have a cookie for a snack last night. Told him "No, I don't think you deserve a cookie after your behavior today." He said ok, but then came down from bed 20 min later and asked for a glass of water. I said that was fine. Get up this morning and there was a cookie missing. I only know because they were just baked and still on the tray. Easy to count. Were they in a cookie jar or something I would have had no clue. I asked him this morning if he took one and he was honest about it. Things like this are tough. He blatantly disobeyed me last night by taking a cookie after being told no. He was honest about it this morning. We really want him to be honest. How do you punish him for disobeying and stealing a cookie when he fessed up this morning? I want him to be honest. He gets away with it and he learns "It is okay to steal a cookie as long as I fess up later." He gets punished and learns "I better lie about it next time so I don't get in trouble for disobeying." Nobody said being a parent was easy.
Effff me....
Yesterday was busy as hell at work, catching up from the weekend... and today wasn't any different. Only today, I had a little icing to put on the cake. In between inspections, my fuggin exhaust pipe came apart between the muffler and the catalytic converter. Luckily I had a bungee strap in the back of the truck so I could hang it up off the road. But all day driving around I had to be "That Guy" with the shitty sounding loud-ass exhaust. Normally, I'm the guy pointing at these guys saying, "C'mon hillbilly... get your fuggin exhaust fixed." lmao
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Classic lmao.
Now if you was a real Redneck you would have wired it up with a coat hanger lmao.