*Supporting Member*
Freaking despicable. I am pissed just reading this. I think things like this infuriate me more than just about anything. Liars and thieves piss me off.
If you need a rock that they can't steal PM me :smiley_bril:
Freaking despicable. I am pissed just reading this. I think things like this infuriate me more than just about anything. Liars and thieves piss me off.
Raining like a mo-fo down here in Florida. It started yesterday evening and it hasn't stopped. I hope it does before tomorrow's fishing trip.
Raining like a mo-fo down here in Florida. It started yesterday evening and it hasn't stopped. I hope it does before tomorrow's fishing trip.
My blood pressure has been unbalanced the past two days resulting in dizziness. I met with my Doc today and begin doubling up on meds tomorrow.
Time to lay off the extra summer time beers, exercise more by having sex, diet, and lose some weight. I hate the idea of taking blood pressure pills and now we're doubling the dosage.
Hypertension is the silent killer.