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TOO 2010-2011 Daily Hunting Log


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I got up this morning looked outside and seen that big bright full moon and went back to bed lol. It is getting ready to start raining here so I'm going to take advantage of the wet leaves and go hang a new stand in the north block this afternoon and hunt out of it. Good luck fellas !!!!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
It is getting ready to start raining here so I'm going to take advantage of the wet leaves and go hang a new stand in the north block this afternoon and hunt out of it.

I was just getting ready to call you and see if you were going out today, I'll call you later and we can set something up.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
been a hectic week and I havent been able to log in so here is the update..

had a school program after wok, couldnt hunt.

had about an hour after work so I sat in a stand at the inside corner of a cornfield.
about 20 minutes before dark I heard leaves rustling to my right in the woods, as I was watching to see what it was I noticed movement to my left in the cornfield, which turned out to be the same doe that redcloud has passed a couple times, which is the same one that surprised me coming out of my stand on opening weekend. the sound to my right turned out to be a button buck that entered the cornfield and joined the doe and fawn in the corn. The three of them worked their way towards me and when they got to about fifteen yards, I raised and drew my bow. At this point, this is as far as I've gotten so far, I have not been able to draw back on a deer without getting busted yet. I put the kisser in the corner of my mouth, anchored my index finger knuckle in my ear, touched the tip of my nose to the bowstring, centered my sights in my peep, checked that my bow was level, the doe stopped at about 15 yards, perfectly broadside.I put my ten yard pin just above the spot I figured her heart would be. my finger was hovering above the release trigger,...

This is the doe that redcloud and I agreed to let walk at least till gun season....

I kept my word.

still kicking myself.

again, had about an hour afterwork so I went to a different stand. I no sooner got settled in when a young six point stepped into the standing beans I was over. I wasnt expecting him to be on this side of me and I knew that the direction he was going, if I didnt get a shot he would catch my scent in a few minutes. He never came closer than 40 yards, which is out of my range, and when he got directly down wind of me he left in a hurry.

another school program

had a couple hours after work, spotted a couple just before dark but they were way out of range.

so all in all it was an exciting week. I am planning to go this evening and possibly tomorrow.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Pretty slow but peaceful morning.

Saw 1 skunk, 1 raccoon, 3 squirrels, 2 turkeys, 1 hawk, and 1 doe.

When I first saw her she was at thirty yards. No shot there but once I had a shooting lane she was at fifty yards and going away.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Last night I watched 7 doe/yearling walk thru at different times. Weird, first it was a momma with twins. 10-15 min later another momma/twins. Third was a lone doe. Mental not: Keep an eye on the lone doe.

Did see one last night walking out. I was really in deep and there was weeds as tall as me. Walking I could make out a throat patch to my left in an opening in the weeds. Full moon helped or I would have missed her. Kept the same pace and walked by her at 10 yds. Never slowed or speeded up. Just a steady pace as I walked by her. Pretty cool really. She never bolted even after I passed. Of course a couple strides past her there was 6' tall weeds between us.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
good action again for me last night and this morning. Long story short I passed on a 6 point on friday night, and passed on a 2-1/2 year old 8 point and a 7 point this morning. I have seen a lot of doe and yearling movement the last 2 days also. No shooter bucks seen yet, but it should happen any time now.......


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Also saw old Cactus head 15 minutes after Greg and Katie. I took a pic of him on my phone between the edge of the platform and the footrest. Killed two squirrels. Saw two fork horns on each others ass around 8:45 and that was it. Still debating on going out tomorrow...

1023's Season Tally

AM Hunts: 3
PM Hunts: 11
All day sits: 0
Total Hunts: 14
Skunked Hunts: 0
Hours on Stand: 33
Average time of hunt: 2 hours 21 minutes

Anterless deer seen: 25
Total buck sightings: 5
Total deer sightings: 30
Different bucks seen: 4
Shooters bucks seen: 1
Deer seen per hour on stand: .909

Stands hunted: 10
Properties hunted: 3

Deer killed: 0
Bow killed squirrels: 2
Dumbass mistakes: 1.5


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
Got up this morning, stiff, and tired. After about 10 minutes of stretching and 1/2 of a low carb Monster I grabbed my Ipod and headed for the battle field. Just before I started my daily assault against the evil and hideous fat cells that constantly attack my well being I realized that my Ipod battery was dead. For a brief moment I considered going on with out it, but with out the war chants from hair bands and 90's rock the effort would be more than it's worth. I decided to let obesity have this battle, but I'll be back this afternoon with a full charged Ipod battery.

BTW this place is loaded with mallards. I'm going to try and get a friend to take me out next weekend.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Went out late this afternoon. Whacked a groundhog with the bow at 1:00 (Sorry Cap't :D) Dante got his first bow kill doe down this evening around 6 and it's in the process of being butchered right now :D.

Grats Dante :D.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Congrats Dante.

Sat in a stand that's on the edge of a cut bean field tonight. I dumped a 55 gal drum of apples there 3 weeks ago.. Sat about 3:30 till dark. Looked to my right about 5:30 and see a doe on a good jog coming down the cut bean field. She had a button buck in tow and their tongues were hanging out. When I first saw her she was a ways down there trotting.. I though THAT bitch really wants an apple. She trotted by me at about 45 yards out in the field and just kept going. LOL.. All the way to the corn.. A buck or yote never did follow.. Who knows what the fugg she was up to... I had enough time to eat a snickers bar watching her trot towards me and then just keep going.. Crazy fuggin deer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had a truck break down last night. Just got back in from fixing it. Might as well eat, poop, shower, and smoke up. Didn't see any deer moving along the fields. My guy was 35 minutes away in a rural community (Celina). Drove around my local areas thinking the high beams on my truck should pick up 30-40 yds into the fields and saw nothing. Not sure what to expect hunting wise because of this, but you can't kill them on the couch! Wish me luck! Hoping for whatever reason they might have stayed bedded or were just way out in the fields feeding. Maybe late getting to bed or early leaving to feed from their beds will score me a buck today!


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
Went to church and then the gym. Today was a cardio day so all I did was run. It's been raining really hard so I just hit the treadmill. I wasn't feeling it today and only ran 3.5 miles. After that my spidey senses told me I needed to stop by work and check my email. Good thing because I've got a meeting first thing tomorrow with the MAG CO.


Senior Member
Took a 2 hr walk at a different farm this morning with the .22 (didn't have time to go bow hunting or kill a deer), didn't see a thing but a woodpecker.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Talk about close!



Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
That's awesome!

He went from 100 yards to 1 within 5 minutes. I sprayed a little doe urine when I went in because I had to cross a field that gets heavy traffic and thought it would be a good idea. He followed it straight to the tree. He looked at the steps and looked up. Then did it again. Then walked a complete circle around me trying to find that doe. He never had a clue I was there...

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Just got a call that the other guy with permission to hunt one of my main locations killed a huge 8 or 9 pointer this morning. i'm dieing to get out of here today so I can get some more details...