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Today's Storm


Participation Trophy Winner
Got home from work this a.m. Still no power. Generator was still ticking away. We were lucky no damage so I'm just hanging out protecting my shit.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Still no S.C. power at home. I've spent $100 in fuel for the gernerator. I had to buy a window air conditioner just to make the house bearable, another $200. Things could be alot worse but this is really starting to suck! Just got to keep on keeping on........

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
My wife just called and said power just came back on! Just need to clean up the rest of the mess and put this behind us! Good luck to the rest without power, I hope you get it restored soon!


*Supporting Member*
I usually dont do tree care/removal work but had a couple customers request it. So I bought another chainsaw yesterday morning and had it paid off 2 hours later. I was hoping to get a couple waves to pick up others debris but everyone one with a 90's rust bucket F-150, trailer and saw went around collecting beer $. Another reason I wont ever do tree care work.


Participation Trophy Winner
My generator just took a shit. Running but no power out. Hopefully it just cot hot.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Got power back here this morning. Very thankful for that. Tried finding ice yesterday, but nobody had any. Looks like some of you guys got hit harder than we did. Hope all is well out there.


The Crew
My wife told me about the storm and the damage it caused. I was in Flatwwods WVa loading up for my trip home.
Approx 4:00pm the storm hit where I was in WVa. The wind was rocking the big truck, luckily I had stopped for the nite and would drive home early in the mornning. The wind was whipping up so bad It sounded and felt like it was sandblasting the big truck. rocks and juk were bouncing off of the windshield. The rain we got washed the truck off pretty good though. lol
As I drove home the next morning I saw a good bit of damage in WVa and Ohio. Over 600,000 without power in both states. Besides trees ripped apart, homes, Road signs and a lot of other damage was clearly visible.

We were still without electric yesterday and spent the whole day looking for a generator for us and the in-laws who are elderly and sick. No luck there, but I kept saying be patient we should have elctric soon.
Today a friend called and said they got a shipment of generators in at Home Depot in Washington Courthouse. I called and reserved 2. When I got there to pick them up there was only 2 left that had not been spoken for. Those 2 were gone before I was loaded up. Went over to Wally World gas station to get some gas and before we left the lot we got a call and found out our electric was back on. I kept the generators anyway and went on home. At least we will be prepaired for the next weather event.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
batten down the hatches guys, looks like some more nasty weather coming in.
One huge cell headed straight for columbus, and another one just west of toledo tracking SSE


Junior Member
Cherry Point just got blasted, crazy vid and pics from brother-in-law. Outside the main gate looked just like the last storm we had.

Looks like T-County is gonna get it again. Hope everyone stays safe!
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Junior Member

Look familiar! If anyone knows the base, this is looking basically directly towards the main gate.

News just said storms are stronger in the south part of Ohio! Hope you guys hang in there!!


Staff member
I made a run for our office to hold down and so far, it was a good move. Got a shower, cold beer, some AC and a ball game on TV. There was electric on at the end of our road, so it looked good for getting tomorrow, then it went out again less than an hour after it came on. I'll have to move my freezer tomorrow to salvage all my food. If we survive without losing electric at the office, I'll load it on a trailer and bring it here. I sure hope things get back to normal ASAP.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Feeling for all of you guys that are without power - that's rough. Mom and Dad lost it for 2.5 hrs Friday night. We had nothing up on the lake.

Friend and her new husband that got married 2 weeks ago are moving out to Iowa for her graduate school...had to stay an extra weekend bc her grandmother passed away. Friday night a tree fell and totaled their car...talk about kicks to the dicks when you're trying to move...


Well-Known Member
Came home from a family get together to find we lost a big elm in the back yard. Stapped it off abour 15 feet up. Took out two medium maples on the way down. Long day of clean up tomorrow.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We have power back, but not everyone does in Lima area yet. Big tree came down and just missed the corner of our garage. Our lawn looks rough but it will clean up. No big deal. Had I not moved the camper the day before we would have lost the camper with the tree limb that missed the garage. It was about 20' long and large diameter. Bottom line: Everyone is safe. The rest is just stuff. It can be fixed, cleaned up, or replaced.