Just from what I can see, loosen that grip a little. Looks to me a bit of left to right cant in the first pic and some white knuckles in the second pic...
i just Pm'd him about his grip...:smiley_crocodile:
I don't know what you all are looking at on Ric's grip. I can't see a thing wrong with it from the two pics.... I can't see any knuckles! Additionally, shooting with an "open hand" is bad advice IMO. A person starts worrying about keeping their fingers open and winds up putting tension in the forearm, tension is bad news. A good bow hand is a relaxed bow hand, and I have never been able to relax my bow hand while holding it open. Just let your fingers relax. They will lightly touch the front of the bow, but they don't grip it. Just push on the base of your thumb with your release hand and you will see the fingers of your bow hand flex inward slightly...thats what they should do, it's how we're made.
Ric, the fact that you hit fairly well after having not shot since November should tell you all will be well by the time season rolls around. I don't think you should be looking for any changes to implement just yet...your good at this stuff, a lil range time and another deer will be in trouble come November.
Well, I was apparently doing something wrong with my grip. I'm sure I held too tight to try and "stabilize" my shots. Tonight I relaxed my grip substantially and shot much tighter groups.
These were at 30 yards, the bottom shot was a pyle driver, the rest are GT... Normally shoot the GT, just my preference, got the pyle drivers when they were out...
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good lord you look 12...This is an old pic of me, but I still hold my hand the same way...
good lord you look 12...
How many 12 year olds have man arms and a fuggin goatee? lmao
down where he lives..... a lot:smiley_crocodile:
Tonight's 40 yard group, no warm-up. Not bad, but still have plenty of room to improve! Been trying the Elite rubber grip, and just don't think I like it. Gonna give it another week, and then it is gone!