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Bow Shoot at Crooked Run Archery


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good thing I was not able to attend. My plans were completely changed today. Ended up sitting on a mower all afternoon. Hope you guys are enjoying the shoot!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I should've stayed there and fished the pond on the property. The fising at Clear Fork as a clear f***...not a single fish in the boat with my brother and I fishing until almost sunset. :smiley_armscrossed: Nuts!

It was great getting to meet everyone at the shoot. :smiley_clap:



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Strange.. yesterday on 70 when I was driving to the shoot I saw this truck with this stuff in the back. It looked like they were going camping I was wondering where they were going.


Today heading back home on 70 I see the exact same truck. What are the freaking odds.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What a blast! It is always great to see old faces and meet new ones. I was finally able to meet Beener, JBrown, Ric (Finelyshedded), his brother Ron, Marcus (Mao), Jake (Moundhill), and Taylor (Diablo). It was a pleasure fellas.

In all we had 13 shooters on the course. Myself, my son Klay, Jesse, Joe, Greg the Fluteman, Schu, and Steve (Hoytmania) were the others besides the aforementioned.

Fellas, before I go any farther... I want to thank you tremendously for being so cool to Klay. He had a great time and didn't want to leave. You made him feel like one of the gand and I truly appreciate that!

I saw some great shooting, some near misses, and we had plenty of laughs. Oh! And we ate well!!!

On the menu was backstraps, walleye, fries, Ric's Famous Chicken, Beener Mexican Tortilla Dip, all kinds of homemade sauces, and no bake cookies that should be outlawed. I'm sure I'm leaving something out, so feel free to add to the menu.

Marcus, thanks for the hospitality and opening your range up to us. I think I can speak for the whole group when I say it was a blast and a great course.

If you couldn't make it, you need to make the next one. Here's some pics to show the brotherhood.

Look at this rack that Steve is admiring. Ric and Ron brought that one. Only wau this rack coul get any better is if it were attached to a hot blonde.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Beener and our host, Mao (Marcus)

Beener, "WTF is worng with my bow????" Disclaimer - I felt bad for ol' Beener. He had a malfunction with his bow and had to shut it down for the second half. But, he kept his spirits up and snapped plenty of vulgar pics with Schu's camera.

Jesse, "You call that a shot? Pfft...."



Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
Nothing better than good friends and bows! Well maybe a little beer too. :smiley_clap: