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Jesse's Off Season Thread


Staff member
I am 100% in on the new farm and will be hanging cameras on Wednesday!!! :smiley_clap:

I also spent some time scouting my other two properties in the rain yesterday and the oak trees are really helping me out this year! By Top 5 stands of those two farms should be as good as they'll ever be thanks to a decent acorn crop, so things are shaping up well so far!!!


Staff member
It's a ball buster, but I managed to weed eat, rake, and disc this plot up in just under two hours on my own. I have a disc made out of parts from an old farm disc that was converted in to an ATV disc and it does a pretty nice job. The seed will go down in the next day or two before the rain so the turkeys don't tear it all up. This plot has been in action for about 4 years now and is always one of my favorites...




Staff member
I have had good luck in the past planting this plot in Evolved Harvest Throw & Gro. The picture below shows 3 weeks growth on the plot from last season. I chose to stay the course this year, but purchased the Throw & Gro X-Treme with Radish this year. I have never planted radishes and will be planting them on the farm and on this plot at my parents this season. The tetraploid ryegrass in this mix is something the deer will destroy when they finally get around to eating it. Two years ago, this plot was untouched until gun season when the neighbor harvested his corn. Within a matter of 6 days, it went from shin high, to looking like it had been mowed! I'm looking forward to seeing how the deer take to the radishes this season...



Senior Member
Due to the plot size I'll be surprised if you have radishes. I'm guessing the deer will browse them to nothing and you will have nothing. Better buy some oats for a good late season reserve/ back up plan.


Staff member
Due to the plot size I'll be surprised if you have radishes. I'm guessing the deer will browse them to nothing and you will have nothing. Better buy some oats for a good late season reserve/ back up plan.

The mix going in this plot is only 5% radish, so it will have a lot more to it than just that. The radish plot at the farm will be a 50/50 blend of radishes and the Biologic Outfitters Blend which is New Zealand Triticale, Austrian winter peas, brassicas, clovers, wheat and oats. I sure hope you are right in some regard though because I'd love to plant something the deer eat for once! I've tried a lot of different things at the farm with limited success, so I'm due for something to peak their interest!


Staff member
Looks great Jesse! Hope your hard work brings great rewards!

HA! Thanks Ric, but I've given up on the notion that hard work in the off season equates to opportunities at mature bucks in the fall. I've proven that to be a farce over the past several seasons. I plant these plots because I enjoy the process. Hell, I've only witnessed a handful of deer feeding in my plots over the years. But it's fun to take nothing and turn it into green!!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yeah, but it will payoff sometime over the course of time. It's better than doing nothing and if anything the deer will benefit from it! Goodluck buddy!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The brassica/radish plot (1/4 acre) that I planted last summer got absolutely demolished by the deer before it even got cold. I did end up with some tubers, but they weren't anywhere near as big as what they could have been given less browsing. This season I'm planning on this mix:

(all per acre)
60# Winter Rye
80# Oats
20# Austrian Winter Peas
10# Red Clover
5# Groundhog Forage Radishes


Staff member
I seeded the plot tonight and we are getting a light rain as we speak. While I was back in the area, I climbed back in the stand I hung this weekend and snapped some pics...

This is the view behind the stand looking east. I can only shoot one trail here, but it's the main one they walk when dropping off the ridge and heading towards my food plot that is south of the stand 100 yards.


This is the view to the south. Once the leaves fall, I'll be able to see in to my food plot and watch the feeder that is 80 yards away. The main shooting lane is right below at 15 yards and may be the best trail within range of the stand...


This is the view I hung this stand to get. The deer absolutely love this CRP field and the amount of sign I saw in there tonight was unreal. Once the leaves fall, I'll be able to see almost the whole field. I've seen a ton of deer come and go from this corner over the years, including a 140ish 10 last year who made it through the year. Somehow I overlooked this tree in the past, but no more!!!


There isn't much to see north of here but woods, but there is a fence row that is full of mature oaks that are loaded with acorns. I have several stands strung across 600+ acres on 5 properties, but this very well may be the best one I have!


*Supporting Member*
JB whered you get that mix, I have seen that somewhere before? QDM forums maybe?