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Redcloud's 12/13 hunting log


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Just drove out around the block and seen the farmer is taking down the corn. Will be out in the morning and hunt as much as I can tomorrow. No corn = deer will be back in the woods and makes me happy happy happy :smiley_clap: :pickle:


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
If I waited until it was cool outside to hunt I would never get to hunt! Go kill a deer, Adam!!

Yes but your deer have no fat and very thin winter coats ;)

How long after you shoot one down there do you have to get it field dressed and butchered before it spoils ? I always wondered about you southern state fellas.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Best of luck Adam, be sure to keep me updates that way I can hint through you while I am putting in a furnace tomorrow.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am living vicariously thru all you guys this weekend. I am setting up in the morning for our show.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Wind was out of the SSW this morning. Was hitting me right in the face at about 10-15 mph and nothing behind me since the cornfield was cut yesterday. Didn't see a single deer in the pasture or the cut coenfield all morning. I gave up at 9am and headed home. Wouldn't you know about a mile down the road in another corn field the farmer cut yesterday stood 2 does at 9:15am.

If I can dodge the rain drops I will be heading to the new stand as it is the only stand setup I have that the deer will go past on their way to the only standing corn field in the country block.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Went out yesterday afternoon and climbed in my stand around 2:30 and set till dark. Didn't see a dang thing. As I walked out I see this truck sitting alongside the road. Turns out the guy has permission to hunt this property and was waiting for his buddy that he dropped off for an evening hunt. Turns out that guy was only sitting maybe 200 yards from where I was. The guy has a ladder stand that's only about 10-12' off the ground that has sat there for the past 2 years and nobody ever hunted it that I knew of as I had never seen anybody else come or go from this side of the road and part of the reason I started hunting this side of the road. The guy in the truck informs me the landowner shut them down to only being able to bow hunt this property and that they have 4 guys on there slips. Now I was understanding him as saying him and his buddy have signed slips but they each have a buddy that hunts with them that doesn't have slips and are just add-ons to theirs. That's plain BS if you ask me. This place is becoming worse then PUBLIC ground.

Total there are 8 guys that I know of right now plus the landowners grandson and great grand kids that gun hunt the property. Now 2 of the 8 guys are riding quads all over the damn place and 4 others are fugtards and hunt 10' off the damn ground in open areas lol.

Now I know why I sat there at least one hunt a day all last week and didn't see a fuggin thing from my stand. Sooner or later me and this guy will cross paths out there as long as I get some ass time in my stands.



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Dude taht's a pig of a buck!! good luck with the fugtards.

Same problem different year. Soon enough they will take off and not come back the rest of the season. Just seems they wonder back at the start of the season just long enough to fug stuff up and then since they don't see anything just never come back or at least on a very limited trips out. Soon as it gets cold they will stay home lol.

The one guy that is riding the quad is nothing new. He has done this for the last few years and part of the reason I choose to hunt the pastures on the other side of the property. As dante and I was watching the newly cut cornfield the other night a new quad guy came running down the field and then turned around only to get halfway down the field and turn around again to drive down the road in front of dante and I. Same shit different year. These bucks have lived here for the past 4-5 years so I'm not worried about them living but more worried that they will go nocturnal and never have a chance at them. I'm hoping the new stand will be a great rut stand but we will see. Chances of getting the big 8 or the big 10 are slim and none but we all know the rut does crazy stuff to bucks. The new pics of big 10 that I just got he was checking on the 2 does and 2 fawns that was there less then 2min. before he showed up on cam. Checking does already ?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Went out this evening and got to my stand around 4:30 and did a quick card swap before climbing in. Get into my stand and start going over the 1000+ pics I had over the last week and found a few I will share with you all.

First is a doe that I have never had on any other cams setup on this property and to say she likes this area of the new cam is an understatement as she is in there several times over the past week and doesn't look like she is wondering off anytime soon.

If you look close you can see she has a mane.

Big 8 has been back

Big 10