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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Life is short. Nobody said it was easy or fair. When I read something like what Ben posted, it seems especially not fair. That is way too young. May she be full of life again in Heaven Ben.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Looks like I will be driving an hour and a half to work in Strongsville tomorrow. Have to leave my house by 6am work until 5 and drive all the way back home. Grrr. Plus I am on-call this week for my system so IF I get called out tonight or tomorrow I will have to roll out. Got lucky so far with outages but it's going to catch me sooner or later.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Sorry to hear that Ben. F cancer. My Grandma died 2 years ago from lung cancer, never smoked a cigarette.

Drive safe Adam. People been losing their minds with the winter weather. I came home from Cleveland yesterday and the stupidity on 71 was all over the place.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, been off work (vacation) since last thursday (I know not a dump right?) but with all the rain and wind and nasty weather coming through its been a rough go at it.... Then last night while on stand I get a text from my SIL that my Brother is back in the hopital with either blood clot in the lung or pneumonia.... He had his gallbladder out a week and a half ago which he'd been having problems with for over a year.... He had cancer and had gone through radiation and Chemo and they thought that the radiation had burned his stomach and since the gallbladder appeared too be working they wouldn't remove it.... Fast forward it was making him double over in pain and they finally removed it and it was basically dead and infected..... IV antibiotics for a couple of days send him home he's weak and having a hard time breathing.... Well he ended up with a partial collapsed lung and no blood clots (which was better news in the long run) so overnight in the hospital and back home now.....

Hopefully this will be it for the remainder of the year for him..... Been a long year and a half for him.....

Now I need to get back out in the stand when it doesn't rain or wind blowing @ 25 mph...... My dryer has been working overtime the last week.....


Staff member

I knew my new farm had a bit of the "public private" funk to it, but I was hoping I could out work the other hunters. Hard to do that when the neighbors have stands all along the property lines! I had a guy come and set up on me this morning well after shooting light. It's 9AM and I'm out of the woods. That's fuggin dump worthy!!!

Moving to my tried and true property to sit through lunch, maybe the rest of the day...


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio

I knew my new farm had a bit of the "public private" funk to it, but I was hoping I could out work the other hunters. Hard to do that when the neighbors have stands all along the property lines! I had a guy come and set up on me this morning well after shooting light. It's 9AM and I'm out of the woods. That's fuggin dump worthy!!!

Moving to my tried and true property to sit through lunch, maybe the rest of the day...

Will does that just not BLOW! No respect for others!!!! Sorry to hear this, best of luck on the new location.


*Supporting Member*
Well, been off work (vacation) since last thursday (I know not a dump right?) but with all the rain and wind and nasty weather coming through its been a rough go at it.... Then last night while on stand I get a text from my SIL that my Brother is back in the hopital with either blood clot in the lung or pneumonia.... He had his gallbladder out a week and a half ago which he'd been having problems with for over a year.... He had cancer and had gone through radiation and Chemo and they thought that the radiation had burned his stomach and since the gallbladder appeared too be working they wouldn't remove it.... Fast forward it was making him double over in pain and they finally removed it and it was basically dead and infected..... IV antibiotics for a couple of days send him home he's weak and having a hard time breathing.... Well he ended up with a partial collapsed lung and no blood clots (which was better news in the long run) so overnight in the hospital and back home now.....

Hopefully this will be it for the remainder of the year for him..... Been a long year and a half for him.....

Now I need to get back out in the stand when it doesn't rain or wind blowing @ 25 mph...... My dryer has been working overtime the last week.....

Prayers sent for your brother Jay.


Jesse, maybe getting screwed at the first place was meant to be and you'll score at the second set up.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Today will be unproductive.
630am-8am- Get kids off to school
830-?- Go vote
10 or so to 1030am- Finish up payroll from last week
1030-noon- Jump on backhoe and start digging a line I need to put in my back yard.
Noon- Eat and clean up
1Pm- Pick up 2 kids to take to dentist
Everything after up until 8pm- Whatever I can accomplish with 3 kids underfoot until my wife gets home and screams about me not getting shit done around the house. ie: Dishes, laundry, kids' homework, showers, etc. My reply to her: Yeah. Sorry about that. (as I continue "doing nothing")

Just going to be a tough day to get any momentum. I guess in the end, it isn't all bad. It is simply going to be a frustrating day. Somewhere in there I need to give an estimate on snow for a company. Maybe I will just say screw it and go back to bed. lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Trying to get the lawn mowed for the last time of the season. 3/4 of the way done and the fuggin cast iron front axle breaks clean in half. Now the tractor is stuck in the middle of the yard and I have no clue on how I'm going to move it to the garage so I cam work on it. :banghead::mad::banghead:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
got a deer cart? Lift the front end, stuff it on some jacks, slide the cart under, and start driving. lmao

Today was pretty much as planned with a couple curve balls thrown in. Not really anything to complain about as I anticipated this being a day which would be tough to accomplish much. I sure wasn't expecting to pick up an almost 12yr old from school though. Gee. thanks Geoffrey. I didn't need that thrown into my plans. I will leave it at that. Public forum isn't the place for it today. arrgh


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Started work at 7 a.m. today. I'm still here babysitting the dryer till probably 5-6 a.m. My boss asked me if I'm interested in doing this shift for the remainder of harvest. I know it might get me in the woods a little bit, but darn I miss my little boy already


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
It's warm as shit. My hunt Saturday morning was ruined by the neighbors dogs. Didn't go this morning because of the heat. Really bummed about the heatwave this weekend. Just bummed. Can't get into hunting when it is 70 degrees out. Gotta work 6a-6p the next four days.