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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I have a hard time overcoming the desire to say: Heck with it when it's warm out like this. But the deer are still out there somewhere Greg. Gonna take Diane's Daughter out as we won't know what happened unless we're there. Just a little encouragement buddy.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
It's warm as shit. My hunt Saturday morning was ruined by the neighbors dogs. Didn't go this morning because of the heat. Really bummed about the heatwave this weekend. Just bummed. Can't get into hunting when it is 70 degrees out. Gotta work 6a-6p the next four days.

Me too brother


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I have a hard time overcoming the desire to say: Heck with it when it's warm out like this. But the deer are still out there somewhere Greg. Gonna take Diane's Daughter out as we won't know what happened unless we're there. Just a little encouragement buddy.

I appreciate it, and I will be out there this evening. It's just hard. Not discouraged, just bummed.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
With the warm weather apparently this weekend was the one for every jackass to shoot guns, run quads, cut firewood, and be loud as the can.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
The target practice day was yesterday.... everyone had their semis out and not afraid too blow off the rounds....

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
With the warm weather apparently this weekend was the one for every jackass to shoot guns, run quads, cut firewood, and be loud as the can.

Absolutely. I almost sighted my guns in today (can't help but join in) and heard the neighbor firing multiple AR15 clips into the field I would have been in...geesh


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Was hunting on the back of a gravel pit stupid kids up top of the pit shooting. Whole dang place ain't but 10 acres. I walked out and yelled at them. Drove over to them and said. Didn't you see my truck parked right there. "yeah" he said with a smart assed tone. "and you thought it would be safe to shoot that direction towards the only woods around. "well we have permission to be here and gou dont. so that makes it safe? Thats goint to make it ok if you shoot me or my girlfriends nephew. And yes I do have permission to be here. Well we called the owner and he said nobody did. And you're supposed to be wearing orange. "boy, you tell me what I'm supposed to do again and you're going to be swallowing your teeth. I don't care who has permission to be where, whose wearing what, or if your daddy is the president you saw my truck parked there and decided to shoot anyway. Use your damn head and be safe. Excuses and reasons don't. Bring people back if you kill someone. I don't want to be a dick but y'all could have killed someone. They just shut up and listened after I went off.

To be fair two landowners own the place. I had permission on one. They the other. But they could see my truck. I called the other landowner and let him know I had permission on the neighbor. He said he didn't know the kids and some other relative gave them permission. nice fellow. I have permission on that now and the other 100 across the road. I smoothed it over with the kids and told them I wasn't calling the landowner to get them in trouble. Jus to let him know I had permission. He told them when they called that nobody had permission on him but I might be on the neighbors and not to shoot if they don't know where I am. We were behind a big hill from them but I could hear strays through the trees above us.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Sure was a busy weekend for the fair weather hunters and gun huntin look sees to be out. I didn't go out all weekend but Dante drove the block today and counted 3 trucks today and a few yesterday as well. Think now that the weekend is over and all those guys are going back to work tomorrow I can climb my tree without somebody else walking in on my setup and pop my buck. If not then I guess I will try again Tuesday. Have to stop over and talk to the landowners daughter tomorrow and get a bunch of other shit done so not sure how much tree time I will get tomorrow to be honest. I just love takin vacation to hunt and not get to.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Frustration. Low hopes for this stand. Late start and limiting winds hurt. Employee issues and trespassers threatening hunters on my property have me frustrated. Brown with no antlers eats an arrow if in range tonight.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am going to be frank here, I am down. My wife has been sick since Thanksgiving. I haven't been able to go deer hunting and haven't been able to make it out with Garrett because Erin has been sick. When the wife has the squirts, well let's say the sex life isn't real busy. For nearly 3 weeks I have been juggling 3 kids and not accomplishing much. Erin was able to hold it together (or in) enough to work her three day shift thru the weekend. I have had kid overload. I was really looking forward to starting today with a full work day. Oh no. Not going to happen. Got to cut out at 130 to pick up the boys from school to take them to their vision therapy sessions half hour north of our house. I was SOOOO looking forward to accomplishing something. Going to be tough on a 4.5hr work day.

Not sure what I need. Trail cameras are pulled. No sense checking them if I can't hunt. Splitting firewood (another outlet) isn't going to happen because it is sloppy muddy. Sex isn't going to happen since the wife still isn't feeling well and just finished 3 days worth of 12hr shifts. I am just all around frustrated. Hate to dump but didn't know what else to do. Figured I would just spew it out there and start my day. Maybe this is the day I dust off the old work out equipment and expel some negative energy. I need to get my week started off right versus feeling sorry for myself and being unproductive. Sorry for the dump fellas. I think I just needed to vent in order to get a good start to the week. I am feeling kid overload, wife MIA, work unproductive, and deer season over stress.

Almost forgot the typical seasonal blues. No, not holiday depression. That doesn't bother me. Money dumped into payroll, fuel, salt supply, and equipment maintenance with no return in the form of snow always gets me squirmy. Then I get to thinking of year end numbers and the looming task of doing my taxes and it doesn't help.

I think I just figured out what I need: Snow! Give me some snow and income and I think I could shake this funk.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I'd like to see seome snow too...

The dodge took a crap on me this weekend, got home from selling my wifes bow and the fuel pump went out. that or the fuel filter is clogged, im guessing its the pump the way it was acting...just got over 100K miles on it, I figured something was gonna take a crap soon.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Brief check in on TOO and back at it. Sometimes I think a little narrative therapy helps me. Had my moment. Unloaded on the keyboard. Came up with a gameplan to be productive. Getting back at it. Still not going to be an overly productive day given the juggling of kids, but sitting around feeling sorry for myself isn't going to get jack squat accomplished. Just got to make the lemonade when you get the lemons. :smiley_badmood::tantrum::smiley_baby::smiley_badmood:

There are the wah wah wah poor me smileys. Now it is time to crack the whip and accomplish something!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
You'll be OK Phil. These things run in cycles.

Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
I guess you should be happy its still a relatively full roll your dealing with. :smiley_bril:


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Just heard from the stealership. Its not the fuel pump itself, its the wiring harness that goes to the fuel pump. Whew..saves me some bucks. Guess the harness corroded and burnt up.