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Fugg Urban, Fugg osu


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
With Maryland coming in things will get interesting in regard to scheduling. It's too bad the NCAA doesn;t take over the conferences and make it completely regional. I'd love to see OSU in with Michigan, Mich St. Wisconsin, Notre Dame, Pitt, WVU, Indiana, Purdue, and Penn State. There's a lot of good rivalries there.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
"The Game" is a great rivalry no lesser than the Iron Bowl,Red River Shootout,USC-UCLA, Army-Navy or any other matchup. IMO

It was more intense when Woody and Bo were involved but I have a feeling its going to get back to that point from this year on out.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
"The Game" is a great rivalry no lesser than the Iron Bowl,Red River Shootout,USC-UCLA, Army-Navy or any other matchup. IMO

It was more intense when Woody and Bo were involved but I have a feeling its going to get back to that point from this year on out.

My ass. Lol. The iron bowl are two teams in the same state only 100 miles apart. It's like if Miami actually had a good team like Michigan. Osu vs michigan is a state thing. The iron bowl divides a state and families. Hell. They didn't play for 40+ years because they couldn't agree on impartial refs. And then when they started again it had to be at a neutral stadium. For a week after the game you'll see people wearing the winning teams shirts. But they aren't gloating fans; most families have bets where they have to wear the wining teams shirts for a week.

Sights like this are very common the next day.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, “Wanna hear a Buckeye joke?” The guy replies, “Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I am 6′ tall, 200 lbs. and I am an Ohio State graduate. The guy sitting next to me is 6’2″, 225 lbs., and he is an Ohio State graduate. The guy right next to him is 6’5″, 250lbs., and he is also an Ohio State graduate. Now, you still wanna tell me that joke?” The first guy says, “No, not if I’m going to have to explain it three times.”

It was reported that the Ohio Football Coach Jim Tressel will only be dressing 40 players for the Michigan game …the rest of the players will have to dress them selves.

Did you hear that the Ohio State University library burned to the ground? All five books in the library were completely destroyed and the football team is really upset by the fire; they hadn’t colored in two of the books yet.

Q: What does the average Ohio State University student get on his SAT? A: Drool.

Q: How do you get an Ohio State Graduate off your front porch? A: Pay him for the pizza.

Q: What did the OSU grad say to the Michigan grad? A: “Welcome to McDonald’s. May I take your order please?”

Q: Why is ice no longer available at Ohio State football games? A: Because the senior who knew the recipe finally graduated.

A young man hired by a supermarket reported for his first day of work. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, gave him a broom and said, “Your first job will be to sweep the store.” But, I’m a OSU graduate,” the young man replied indignantly, “I even played football there!” “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that,” said the manager. “Here, give me the broom, I better show you how”.

Two Ohio State football players were hootin’ and hollerin’ while partying on campus when a bartender asked them why they were celebrating. The smart one said proudly that they had just finished a jigsaw puzzle and it only took them two months. “Two months?!” exclaimed the bartender. The Buckeye proudly replied, “Yeah, the box said 4 – 6 years!”

A Buckeye football player was almost killed today in a tragic horse back riding accident. He fell from the horse and was nearly trampled to death. Luckily, the manager of the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged the horse.

A little boy and his mother were walking through an Ohio cemetery when they came upon a headstone that read: “Here lies an OSU graduate and a good man.” The little boy asked his mother, “Mommy, why did they bury two people in there?”

Coaches Jim Tressel and Lloyd Carr are walking down the beach talking about the rivalry between Ohio State and Michigan. As they are walking, Lloyd trips over something in the sand. Upon closer inspection it turns out to be a genie’s lamp. “Who disturbs me?” asked the genie. Jim and Lloyd both say they did. “You will each get one wish,” said the genie. Jim offers to go first. “I want an impenetrable wall built around the entire state of Ohio so that none of those stupid Michiganders can ever get in. I want it as far down into the ground as it is high and I want it to be completely sealed in so that we can finally have our peace!” The genie grants the wish to Jim and his is instantly whisked away to his new paradise. The genie now tells Lloyd he’ll grant him one wish. Lloyd says, “Fill it with water.”

dude, thats some funny shit!

I live in a "house divided". My wife is a buckeye fan, I am a wolverine fan. I was laughing my ass off reading this and she asked me what was so funny?
"you really want to know?"

so i read it to her. I just got punched in the head as she went to bed!rotflmao

I love it when I can get a jab in every now and again.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My ass. Lol. The iron bowl are two teams in the same state only 100 miles apart. It's like if Miami actually had a good team like Michigan. Osu vs michigan is a state thing. The iron bowl divides a state and families. Hell. They didn't play for 40+ years because they couldn't agree on impartial refs. And then when they started again it had to be at a neutral stadium. For a week after the game you'll see people wearing the winning teams shirts. But they aren't gloating fans; most families have bets where they have to wear the wining teams shirts for a week.

Sights like this are very common the next day.
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No doubt that rivalry is great Joe! But anyone outside of the state of Alabama doesn't give a rats ass! Rotflmao

Seriously though, the love between the two doesn't mingle but neither does "The Game" participants. Just my .02.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
No doubt that rivalry is great Joe! But anyone outside of the state of Alabama doesn't give a rats ass! Rotflmao

Seriously though, the love between the two doesn't mingle but neither does "The Game" participants. Just my .02.

By outside Alabama you mean in Ohio who think the OSU vs Michigan pewee game is a rivalry right? Maybe I would put more stock in it being an awesome rivalry if it wasn't the only in conference big 10 game worth watching. Even then it's doesn't compare to normal in season games with most SEC teams. LSU, Florida, Alabama, auburn, now Texas A&M and some years miss state and old miss. Almost every sec game IMO compares to the OSU Michigan game in "rivalry". But the iron bowl is a whole other animal. Lol.


Senior Member
By outside Alabama you mean in Ohio who think the OSU vs Michigan pewee game is a rivalry right? Maybe I would put more stock in it being an awesome rivalry if it wasn't the only in conference big 10 game worth watching. Even then it's doesn't compare to normal in season games with most SEC teams. LSU, Florida, Alabama, auburn, now Texas A&M and some years miss state and old miss. Almost every sec game IMO compares to the OSU Michigan game in "rivalry". But the iron bowl is a whole other animal. Lol.

How about you look up some national ratings and see what the country thinks.. The night OSU played Nebraska, they cleaned up on ratings... Not everyone has SEC "love"...


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
I had to contribute some how.. My g/f is from Michigan but (somewhat to her credit) she is a state fan not a wolverine fan.. hell she wants me to buy one of the wolverine 3D targets for the house to shoot..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am chuckling to myself. Joe has gone pretty quiet on the boards lately. Start talking about the game and he starts feeling melancholy and nostalgic. Has to throw in his SEC jabs at the Big Ten. He feels obligated to bring up the intrastate rivalry. Next will come the bowl records of Big Ten teams vs the SEC. He already hit the 100miles apart and within same state points. yada yada yada yada :smiley_crocodile:

We love you like a brother Joe, but you just don't grasp this rivalry. You spend time in the military. You spent plenty of time on the road with your previous IT job. Think back for me. While walking through airports, what did you see more? People wearing OSU/MI shirts or Bama shirts/hats? OSU/MI fans are nation wide. Outside of AL, the Bama fans are just here and there. :smiley_blackeye::smiley_baby::smiley_clap:

Not sure why I typed any of this. Joe wasn't looking at anyone's shirt at the airport unless it was covering an attractive lady.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I am chuckling to myself. Joe has gone pretty quiet on the boards lately. Start talking about the game and he starts feeling melancholy and nostalgic. Has to throw in his SEC jabs at the Big Ten. He feels obligated to bring up the intrastate rivalry. Next will come the bowl records of Big Ten teams vs the SEC. He already hit the 100miles apart and within same state points. yada yada yada yada :smiley_crocodile:

We love you like a brother Joe, but you just don't grasp this rivalry. You spend time in the military. You spent plenty of time on the road with your previous IT job. Think back for me. While walking through airports, what did you see more? People wearing OSU/MI shirts or Bama shirts/hats? OSU/MI fans are nation wide. Outside of AL, the Bama fans are just here and there. :smiley_blackeye::smiley_baby::smiley_clap:

Not sure why I typed any of this. Joe wasn't looking at anyone's shirt at the airport unless it was covering an attractive lady.

Yes hicks. I saw people wearing their OSU shirts on airplanes. But 99% of the time it's because I was on a flight back to Ohio. for about a year I had a good chuckle. I would ask them what the score was last weekend. Or who they played. The majority of the time they couldn't tell me. Had no clue. Don't confuse fans with people who fall for marketing and are followers and like OSU because it's the thing to do. Ohio is full of fake fans.

Also.. Anytime you guys think your football program is up to it.. Come on back south and see how it's really done. But if you're gonna show up and lose by 14 and 27 again just stay home. Lets not forget bama beat your big bad "rivalry" team game 1 when you guys were out playing cupcake Miami. Bama beat Michigan like they were OSU playing Miami 41-14.
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Junior Member
I hate OSU probably more than any non Michigan fan but.... truth

No, it means me didn't lose and we won our division. That means something to a team who could have laid down this season but didn't. I don't mind some trash talk, but lets be real. Winning all your games is an accomplishment even when we play in a weak league with a few cupcake games thrown in for good measure.