I am going to be frank here, I am down. My wife has been sick since Thanksgiving. I haven't been able to go deer hunting and haven't been able to make it out with Garrett because Erin has been sick. When the wife has the squirts, well let's say the sex life isn't real busy. For nearly 3 weeks I have been juggling 3 kids and not accomplishing much. Erin was able to hold it together (or in) enough to work her three day shift thru the weekend. I have had kid overload. I was really looking forward to starting today with a full work day. Oh no. Not going to happen. Got to cut out at 130 to pick up the boys from school to take them to their vision therapy sessions half hour north of our house. I was SOOOO looking forward to accomplishing something. Going to be tough on a 4.5hr work day.
Not sure what I need. Trail cameras are pulled. No sense checking them if I can't hunt. Splitting firewood (another outlet) isn't going to happen because it is sloppy muddy. Sex isn't going to happen since the wife still isn't feeling well and just finished 3 days worth of 12hr shifts. I am just all around frustrated. Hate to dump but didn't know what else to do. Figured I would just spew it out there and start my day. Maybe this is the day I dust off the old work out equipment and expel some negative energy. I need to get my week started off right versus feeling sorry for myself and being unproductive. Sorry for the dump fellas. I think I just needed to vent in order to get a good start to the week. I am feeling kid overload, wife MIA, work unproductive, and deer season over stress.
Almost forgot the typical seasonal blues. No, not holiday depression. That doesn't bother me. Money dumped into payroll, fuel, salt supply, and equipment maintenance with no return in the form of snow always gets me squirmy. Then I get to thinking of year end numbers and the looming task of doing my taxes and it doesn't help.
I think I just figured out what I need: Snow! Give me some snow and income and I think I could shake this funk.